## Step 1: collecting function and derivatives
__dprint("---- DEBUGGING PRINTING FOR diffalg_reduction", _debug);
- __dprint("poly: %s" %poly, _debug);
__dprint("R: %s" %R, _debug);
__dprint("-- Starting step 1", _debug);
coeffs = poly.coefficients(); # List of original coefficients
+ __dprint("Coefficients: %s" %("["+reduce(lambda p,q : p+", "+q, [repr(coeff) for coeff in coeffs])+"]"), _debug);
ocoeffs = coeffs; # Extra variable with the same list
monomials = poly.monomials(); # List of monomials
l_of_derivatives = [[f.derivative(times=i) for i in range(f.getOrder())] for f in coeffs]; # List of derivatives for each coefficient
## Step 6: build the square matrix M = (v, v',...)
__dprint("-- Starting step 6", _debug);
- derivative = infinite_derivative; # TODO: set this derivation
+ __dprint("Computing derivatives from the vector (step 5) using the matrix (step 4)", _debug);
+ derivative = infinite_derivative;
M = matrix_of_dMovement(C, v, derivative, S);
+ __dprint("Vector of generators:\n\t%s" %gens, _debug);
+ __dprint("Final matrix (vector in rows):\n\t%s" %(str(M.transpose()).replace('\n', '\n\t')), _debug);
+ __dprint("Returning the determinant", _debug);
+ __dprint("---- DEBUGGING PRINTING FOR diffalg_reduction (finished)", _debug);
return r_method(M.determinant());
# Starting the comparison
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1, n):
- # Checking (j,i)
+ # Checking (i,j)
rel = __find_relation(coeffs[j], derivatives[i], _debug);
if(not(rel is None)):
R += [(i,j,rel)];
- # Checking (i,j)
+ # Checking (j,i)
rel = __find_relation(coeffs[i], derivatives[j], _debug);
if(not(rel is None)):
R += [(j,i,rel)];
## Adding the resulting row
rows += [new_row];
- if(_debug):
- print "Matrix:";
- for row in rows:
- print row;
- return Matrix(rows);
+ rows = Matrix(rows);
+ __dprint("** Matrix:\n%s\n*******" %rows, _debug);
+ return rows;
def __build_vector(coeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug=False):
coeff_order += [coeffs[i].getOrder()];
constant = (-1 in graph.vertices());
+ __dprint("Is there constant: %s" %constant, _debug);
# Computing vectors and companion matrices for each element
vectors = [vector(cR, [monomials[i]] + [0 for i in range(coeff_order[i]-1)]) for i in range(len(coeffs))];
trans = [];
trans += [(drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][1][1][1], C)];
trans += [(0, coeffs[i].equation.companion())];
+ if(_debug):
+ print "--- Transitions to nodes:";
+ for i in range(len(trans)):
+ print "+++ %s --> Cosntant: %s; Matrix:\n%s" %(i, trans[i][0], trans[i][1]);
+ print "-------------------------";
const_val = 0;
# Doing a Tree Transversal in POstorder in the graph to pull up the vectors
while(len(stack) > 0):
current = stack[-1];
if(current in ready):
+ __dprint("Visiting node %s" %current, _debug);
if(not (current in maximal_elements)):
# Visit the node: pull-up the vector
edge = graph.incoming_edges(current)[0];
de_vector = vectors[edge[0]];
relation = edge[2];
C = trans[edge[0]][1];
+ __dprint("** Reducing node %d to %d" %(current, edge[0]), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Current vector: %s" %(cu_vector), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Destiny vector: %s" %(de_vector), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Relation: %s" %(str(relation)), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Matrix:\n\t\t%s" %(str(C).replace('\n','\n\t\t')), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Prev. constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
# Building vectors for all the required derivatives
ivectors = [vector(cR, [0 for i in range(relation[0])] + [1] + [0 for i in range(relation[0]+1,coeff_order[edge[0]])])];
vectors[edge[0]] = sum([vector(cR,[cu_vector[i]*ivectors[i][j] for j in range(len(ivectors[i]))]) for i in range(len(cu_vector))], de_vector);
const_val += sum([cu_vector[i]*extra_cons[i] for i in range(len(cu_vector))]);
+ __dprint("\t- New vector: %s" %vectors[edge[0]], _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- New constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ __dprint("*************************", _debug);
# Getting out the element of the stack