### Bessel Functions
def BesselD(input, kind = _sage_const_1 ):
raise TypeError("Impossible to manage Bessel functions of first kind with irrational order");
raise ValueError("Impossible to manage Bessel functions of %dth kind" %(kind));
+### Struve's functions
+def StruveD(mu=None,kind=1):
+ _sage_const_1 = ZZ(1); _sage_const_2 = ZZ(2); _sage_const_3 = ZZ(3);
+ if(kind != 1):
+ raise TypeError("Only struve_H functions are implemented");
+ f = DFinite_examples['struve'];
+ if(mu is None):
+ return f;
+ elif((mu < 0) or (mu not in ZZ)):
+ raise TypeError("Parameter must be greater or equal to -1 to have a power series (got %d)" %mu);
+ P = f.parent().parameters()[0];
+ num = factorial(mu+_sage_const_1)*pi*(_sage_const_1/_sage_const_2)**(mu+_sage_const_1);
+ den = gamma(_sage_const_3/_sage_const_2)*gamma(mu+_sage_const_3/_sage_const_2);
+ val = QQ(num/den);
+ print num,den,val;
+ f = f(P=mu);
+ f = f.change_init_values([0 for i in range(mu+1)] + [val], name=f._DDFunction__name);
+ return f;
### Legendre Polynomials
__legendre_initials = [[_sage_const_1 ,_sage_const_0 ],[_sage_const_0 ,_sage_const_1 ]];
except TypeError as e:
raise e;
### Hypergeometric Functions
def HypergeometricFunction(a,b,c, init = _sage_const_1 ):
return GenericHypergeometricFunction([a,b],[c],init);
+def __check_list(list_of_elements, invalid_vars=[]):
+ all_vars = [];
+ for i in range(len(list_of_elements)):
+ el = list_of_elements[i];
+ if(el not in QQ):
+ if(isinstance(el, str)):
+ all_vars += [el];
+ else:
+ all_vars += [str(v) for v in el.variables()];
+ list_of_elements[i] = str(el);
+ if(any(el in all_vars for el in invalid_vars)):
+ raise ValueError("An invalid variable detected in the list.\n\t- Got: %s\n\t- Invalid: %s" %(list_of_elements, invalid_vars));
+ parent = QQ;
+ if(len(all_vars) > 0):
+ all_vars = list(set(all_vars));
+ parent = PolynomialRing(QQ, all_vars).fraction_field();
+ list_of_elements = [parent(el) for el in list_of_elements];
+ return (parent, list_of_elements);
def GenericHypergeometricFunction(num=[],den=[],init=_sage_const_1 ):
+ ## Checking arguments: num
if (not (isinstance(num,list) or isinstance(num,set) or isinstance(num,tuple))):
num = [num];
den = list(den);
+ parent, new_all = __check_list(num+den, [str(el) for el in DFinite.variables()]);
+ num = new_all[:len(num)];
+ den = new_all[len(num):];
+ if(parent != QQ):
+ destiny_ring = ParametrizedDDRing(DFinite, [str(v) for v in parent.gens()]);
+ else:
+ destiny_ring = DFinite;
## Cleaning repeated values
i = _sage_const_0 ;
while(i < len(num) and len(den) > _sage_const_0 ):
if(not((num,den,init) in __CACHED_HYPERGEOMETRIC)):
## Building differential operator
- get_op = lambda p : DFinite.element(p).equation;
+ get_op = lambda p : destiny_ring.element(p).equation;
op_num = x*prod(get_op([el,x]) for el in num);
op_den = x*get_op([_sage_const_0 ,_sage_const_1 ])*prod(get_op([el-_sage_const_1 ,x]) for el in den);
op = op_num - op_den;
- f = DFinite.element(op);
+ f = destiny_ring.element(op);
initVals = [init];
## Return the cached element
return __CACHED_HYPERGEOMETRIC[(num,den,init)];
### Mathieu's Functions
def MathieuD(a=None,q=None,init=()):
destiny_ring = DDFinite; ra = a; rq = q;
if(len(params) > _sage_const_0 ):
- destiny_ring = ParametrizedDDRing(DDFinite, params);
- if(len(params) == _sage_const_2 ):
- ra,rq = destiny_ring.parameters();
- elif('a' in params):
- ra = destiny_ring.parameters()[_sage_const_0 ]; rq = q;
- else:
- rq = destiny_ring.parameters()[_sage_const_0 ]; ra = a;
+ destiny_ring = ParametrizedDDRing(destiny_ring, params);
+ if('a' in params):
+ ra = destiny_ring.parameter('a');
+ if('q' in params):
+ rq = destiny_ring.parameter('q');
return destiny_ring.element([ra-_sage_const_2 *rq*Cos(_sage_const_2 *x), _sage_const_0 , _sage_const_1 ], init, name=DinamicString("Mathieu(_1,_2;_3)(_4)", [repr(ra),repr(rq),str(list(init[:_sage_const_2 ])),"x"]));
def MathieuCos(a=None,q=None):
return MathieuD(a,q,(_sage_const_1 ,_sage_const_0 ));
+### Modified Mathieu's Functions
+def ModifiedMathieuD(a=None,q=None,init=()):
+ params =[];
+ if(a is None):
+ params += ['a'];
+ if(q is None):
+ params += ['q'];
+ destiny_ring = DDFinite; ra = a; rq = q;
+ if(len(params) > _sage_const_0 ):
+ destiny_ring = ParametrizedDDRing(destiny_ring, params);
+ if('a' in params):
+ ra = destiny_ring.parameter('a');
+ if('q' in params):
+ rq = destiny_ring.parameter('q');
+ return destiny_ring.element([ra-_sage_const_2 *rq*Cosh(_sage_const_2 *x), _sage_const_0 , _sage_const_1 ], init, name=DinamicString("ModMathieu(_1,_2;_3)(_4)", [repr(ra),repr(rq),str(list(init[:_sage_const_2 ])),"x"]));
+def ModifiedMathieuSin(a=None,q=None):
+ return ModifiedMathieuD(a,q,(_sage_const_0 ,_sage_const_1 ));
+def ModifiedMathieuCos(a=None,q=None):
+ return ModifiedMathieuD(a,q,(_sage_const_1 ,_sage_const_0 ));
+### Hill's equation
+def HillD(a=None,q=None,init=()):
+ params =[];
+ destiny_ring = DFinite;
+ if(a is None):
+ params += ['a'];
+ if(q is None):
+ params += ['q'];
+ elif(isinstance(q.parent(), DDRing)):
+ destiny_ring = q.parent().to_depth(q.parent().depth()+1);
+ else:
+ q,destiny_ring = __decide_parent(q);
+ ra = a; rq = q;
+ if(len(params) > _sage_const_0 ):
+ destiny_ring = ParametrizedDDRing(destiny_ring, params);
+ if('a' in params):
+ ra = destiny_ring.parameter('a');
+ if('q' in params):
+ rq = destiny_ring.parameter('q');
+ return destiny_ring.element([ra+rq, _sage_const_0 , _sage_const_1 ], init, name=DinamicString("HillEq(_1,_2;_3)(_4)", [repr(ra),repr(rq),str(list(init[:_sage_const_2 ])),"x"]));
### Airy's functions
def AiryD(init=()):
name = DinamicString("((%s%s)/2)*airy_ai(_1) + ((%s%s)/(2*3**(1/6)))*airy_bi(_1)" %(name_a1, name_a2, name_b1, name_b2), ["x"]);
return DFinite.element([-x,0,1], init, name=name);
-### Struve's functions
-def StruveD(mu=None,kind=1):
- _sage_const_1 = ZZ(1); _sage_const_2 = ZZ(2); _sage_const_3 = ZZ(3);
- if(kind != 1):
- raise TypeError("Only struve_H functions are implemented");
- f = DFinite_examples['struve'];
- if(mu is None):
- return f;
- elif((mu < 0) or (mu not in ZZ)):
- raise TypeError("Parameter must be greater or equal to -1 to have a power series (got %d)" %mu);
- P = f.parent().parameters()[0];
- num = factorial(mu+_sage_const_1)*pi*(_sage_const_1/_sage_const_2)**(mu+_sage_const_1);
- den = gamma(_sage_const_3/_sage_const_2)*gamma(mu+_sage_const_3/_sage_const_2);
- val = QQ(num/den);
- print num,den,val;
- f = f(P=mu);
- f = f.change_init_values([0 for i in range(mu+1)] + [val], name=f._DDFunction__name);
- return f;
### Parabolic Cylinder Functions
def ParabolicCylinderD(a=None,b=None,c=None, init=()):
rc = destiny_ring.parameters()[0];
return destiny_ring.element([(rc+rb*x+ra*x**2),0,1], init, name=DinamicString("ParabolicCylinder(_1,_2,_3;_4)", [repr(ra), repr(rb), repr(rc), "x"]));
-## Elliptic integrals
## Legendre elliptic integrals
def EllipticLegendreD(kind,var='phi'):
if(kind not in [0,1,2]):
if(var == 'm'):
if(kind == 1):
name = DinamicString("(2/pi)*elliptic_f(pi/2,_1)", ["x"]);
- return DFinite.elemetn([-x,(1-3*x**2), x*(1-x**2)],[1], name=name);
+ return DFinite.element([-x,(1-3*x**2), x*(1-x**2)],[1], name=name);
elif(kind == 2):
name = DinamicString("(2/pi)*elliptic_e(pi/2,_1)", ["x"]);
- return DFinite.elemetn([x,(1-x**2), x*(1-x**2)],[1], name=name);
+ return DFinite.element([x,(1-x**2), x*(1-x**2)],[1], name=name);
return (EllipticLegendreD(1,var)-EllipticLegendreD(2,var))/x**2;