def __critical_numbers__(self):
return "(%d:%d:%d)" %(self.getOrder(),self.equation.get_jp_fo(),self.size());
+ def _latex_(self, name="f"):
+ ## Building all coefficients in the differential equation
+ equ, simpl = self._latex_coeffs_();
+ ## Building the starting part
+ res = "\\left\\{\\begin{array}{c}\n"
+ ## Building the differential equation
+ res += "%s = 0,\\\\\n" %equ;
+ ## Adding the non-polynomial coefficients
+ if(any(el != True for el in simpl)):
+ res += "where\\\\\n";
+ for i in range(len(simpl)):
+ if(simpl[i] != True):
+ res += self[i]._latex_() + "\\\\\n";
+ ## Adding the initial conditions
+ res += "\\hdashline\n";
+ res += self._latex_ic_();
+ ## Closing the environment
+ res += "\\end{array}\\right.";
+ return res;
+ def _latex_coeffs_(self, c_name="f"):
+ next_name = chr(ord(c_name[0])+1);
+ parent = self.parent();
+ coeffs = [self[i] for i in range(self.getOrder()+1)];
+ simpl = [(not is_DDRing(parent.base()))]*(self.getOrder()+1);
+ sgn = ['+']*(self.getOrder()+1);
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ ## Computing the sign and string for the coefficient
+ current = coeffs[i];
+ if(not simpl[i] and current.is_constant): # Recursive and constant case
+ current = current.getInitialValue(0); # Reduced to constant case
+ simpl[i] = True;
+ ## Constant cases
+ if(current == -1):
+ sgn[i] = "-"
+ coeffs[i] = "";
+ elif(current == 1):
+ coeffs[i] = "";
+ elif(simpl[i]==True and current < 0):
+ sgn[i] = "-"
+ coeffs[i] = latex(current);
+ elif(simpl[i] == True): # Non constant and simple case
+ coeffs[i] = "\\left(" + latex(current) + "\\right)";
+ else: # Recursive cases
+ simpl[i] = "%s_{%d}" %(next_name, i);
+ coeffs[i] = "%s(x)" %simpl[i];
+ ## Computing the corresponding function factor
+ if(i == 0):
+ coeffs[i] += "%s(x)" %c_name;
+ elif(i == 1):
+ coeffs[i] += "%s'(x)" %c_name;
+ elif(i == 2):
+ coeffs[i] += "%s''(x)" %c_name;
+ else:
+ coeffs[i] += "%s^{(%d)}(x)" %c_name;
+ ## Building the final line from the highest order to the minimal
+ coeffs.reverse(); sgn.reverse();
+ final = "";
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ ## If it is a non-zero coefficient
+ if(self[i] != 0):
+ ## Adding the sign
+ if(i > 0 or sgn[i] == '-'):
+ final += "%s " %sgn[i];
+ ## Adding the value
+ final += coeffs[i];
+ return final, simpl;
+ def _latex_ic_(self):
+ res = [];
+ for i in range(self.equation.get_jp_fo()+1):
+ if(i == 0):
+ res += ["f(0) = %s" %latex(self.getInitialValue(i))];
+ elif(i == 1):
+ res += ["f'(0) = %s" %latex(self.getInitialValue(i))];
+ elif(i == 2):
+ res += ["f''(0) = %s" %latex(self.getInitialValue(i))];
+ else:
+ res += ["f^{(%d)}(0) = %s" %latex(self.getInitialValue(i))];
+ return ", ".join(res);
def _to_command_(self):
if(self.__name is None):
return "%s.element(%s,%s)" %(command(self.parent()), _command_list(self.getOperator().getCoefficients()), self.getInitialValueList(self.getOrder()));
return sum([self.base()(coefficients[i])*prod([self.map_of_vars()[str(v)]**monomials[i].degree(v) for v in variables],self.base().one()) for i in range(len(monomials))],self.base().zero());
except Exception:
- print "Error here";
+ multi = (len(variables) > _sage_const_1 );
+ res = self.base().zero();
+ for (k,v) in polynomial.dict().items():
+ term = self.base().one();
+ ## We distinguish between several variables and just one
+ ## because the return of poly.dict() is different
+ if(multi):
+ for i in range(len(variables)):
+ term *= (self.map_of_vars()[str(variables[i])]**k[i]);
+ else:
+ term *= self.map_of_vars()[str(variables[_sage_const_0 ])]**k;
+ res += term*self.base()(v);
+ return res;
# return self.base()(polynomial(**{str(v) : self.map_of_vars()[str(v)] for v in variables}));
# multi = (len(variables) > _sage_const_1 );