except AttributeError:
return 0;
+ ##Simple call: parent is a Fraction Field
+ if(is_FractionField(parent)):
+ parent = parent.base();
+ n = parent(element.numerator()); dn = infinite_derivative(n);
+ d = parent(element.denominator()); dd = infinite_derivative(d);
+ return (dn*d - n*dd)/d**2;
## Simple call: not an InfinitePolynomialRing
if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
prev = Exponential_polynomials(n-1,parent);
return infinite_derivative(prev) + y[0]*prev;
+def Logarithmic_polynomials(n, parent):
+ if(n < 0):
+ raise ValueError("No Logarithmic polynomial can be computed for non-positive index");
+ elif(not(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent))):
+ return Logarithmic_polynomials(n, InfinitePolynomialRing(parent, "y"));
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(n == 0):
+ return y[1]/y[0];
+ else:
+ return infinite_derivative(Logarithmic_polynomials(n-1, parent));
+def change_variable(poly, new_var):
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(not (new_var in parent.fraction_field())):
+ raise TypeError("The new value must be in the same InfinitePolynomialRing");
+ elif(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ raise TypeError("The parent must be an InfinitePolynomialRing");
+ gens = poly.polynomial().parent().gens();
+ index = [get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, v, True)[1] for v in gens]; m = max(index);
+ derivatives = [new_var];
+ for i in range(m):
+ derivatives += [infinite_derivative(derivatives[-1])];
+ to_plug = [derivatives[i] for i in index];
+ return parent.fraction_field()(poly.polynomial()(**{str(gens[i]) : to_plug[i] for i in range(len(gens))}));
+def is_Riccati(poly):
+ '''
+ Method that checks if a non-linear differential equation is of Riccatti type
+ and returns the change of coordinates and the linear differential equation in case
+ we can.
+ '''
+ poly = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(poly);
+ parent = poly.parent(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ var = poly.polynomial().parent().gens(); index = [get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, v, True)[1] for v in var];
+ order = max(index);
+ ## Checking the degree of y[0] is appropriate in the therm of y[order-1]
+ try:
+ if(not poly.degrees()[var.index(y[order-1])] == 1):
+ raise ValueError("The degree of the function in the equation is not valid");
+ except:
+ raise TypeError("Error getting the degree of the function in the equation");
+ C = poly.coefficient(y[order-1]*y[0]);
+ ## Simple case: no element inside or is not in the base field
+ if(C == 0 or (not C in parent.base())):
+ return False, poly;
+ ## The coefficient is in the appropriate place
+ try:
+ if(C.derivative(x) != 0):
+ new_eq = change_variable(poly, y[0]/C)*C;
+ print "Recursion in Raccati, new equation: %s" %new_eq;
+ return is_Riccati(new_eq);
+ except:
+ # Impossible to compute the derivative -- Assuming zero
+ pass;
+ ## Computing the constant
+ C = C/(order+1);
+ to_plug = [Logarithmic_polynomials(i, parent)/C for i in index];
+ new_poly = poly.polynomial()(**{str(var[i]): to_plug[i] for i in range(len(var))});
+ if(is_FractionField(new_poly.parent())):
+ new_poly = new_poly.numerator();
+ if(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(new_poly.parent())):
+ new_poly = new_poly.polynomial();
+ var = new_poly.parent().gens(); min_degree = {v:new_poly.degree() for v in var};
+ for m in new_poly.monomials():
+ for v in var:
+ d = m.degree(v);
+ if(d < min_degree[v]):
+ min_degree[v] = d;
+ gcd = prod([v**min_degree[v] for v in var], new_poly.parent().one());
+ new_poly = new_poly.parent()(new_poly/gcd);
+ if(new_poly.degree() == 1):
+ return True, new_poly;
+ return False, new_poly;
### Private functions
-__all__ = ["is_InfinitePolynomialRing", "get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen", "infinite_derivative", "diffalg_reduction", "toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below", "diff_to_diffalg", "inverse_DA", "func_inverse_DA", "guess_DA_DDfinite", "guess_homogeneous_DNfinite", "FaaDiBruno_polynomials", "Exponential_polynomials"];
+__all__ = ["is_InfinitePolynomialRing", "get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen", "infinite_derivative", "diffalg_reduction", "toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below", "diff_to_diffalg", "inverse_DA", "func_inverse_DA", "guess_DA_DDfinite", "guess_homogeneous_DNfinite", "FaaDiBruno_polynomials", "Exponential_polynomials", "Logarithmic_polynomials", "is_Riccati", "change_variable"];
# Extra functions for debugging
def simplify_coefficients(base, coeffs, derivatives, _debug=True):
--- /dev/null
+from sage.all_cmdline import * # import sage library
+from sage.graphs.digraph import DiGraph;
+from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import is_PolynomialRing;
+from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring import is_MPolynomialRing;
+from sage.rings.fraction_field import is_FractionField;
+from ajpastor.dd_functions.ddFunction import *;
+from ajpastor.dd_functions.ddExamples import *;
+from sage.rings.polynomial.infinite_polynomial_ring import InfinitePolynomialRing;
+from ajpastor.misc.matrix import matrix_of_dMovement;
+from ajpastor.misc.matrix import differential_movement;
+### Utilities functions for InfinitePolynomialRings
+def is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent):
+ from sage.rings.polynomial.infinite_polynomial_ring import InfinitePolynomialRing_dense as dense;
+ from sage.rings.polynomial.infinite_polynomial_ring import InfinitePolynomialRing_sparse as sparse;
+ return isinstance(parent, dense) or isinstance(parent, sparse);
+def get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, var, with_number = False):
+ for gen in parent.gens():
+ spl = str(var).split(repr(gen)[:-1]);
+ if(len(spl) == 2):
+ if(with_number):
+ return (gen, int(spl[1]));
+ else:
+ return gen;
+ return None;
+#### TODO: Review this function
+def infinite_derivative(element, times=1, var=x, _infinite=True):
+ '''
+ Method that takes an element and compute its times-th derivative
+ with respect to the variable given by var.
+ If the element is not in a InfinitePolynomialRing then the method
+ 'derivative' of the object will be called. Otherwise this method
+ returns the derivative following the rules:
+ - The coefficients of the polynomial ring are differentiated using
+ a recursive call to this method (usually this leads to a call of the
+ method '.derivative' of that coefficient).
+ - Any variable "#_n" appearing in the InfinitePolynomialRing has
+ as derivative the variable "#_{n+1}", i.e., the same name but with
+ one higher index.
+ '''
+ ## Checking the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ if(not ((times in ZZ) and times >=0)):
+ raise ValueError("The argument 'times' must be a non-negative integer");
+ elif(times > 1): # Recursive call
+ return infinite_derivative(infinite_derivative(element, times-1))
+ elif(times == 0): # Empty call
+ return element;
+ ## Call with times = 1
+ try:
+ parent = element.parent();
+ except AttributeError:
+ return 0;
+ ## Simple call: not an InfinitePolynomialRing
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ try:
+ try:
+ return element.derivative(var);
+ except Exception:
+ return element.derivative();
+ except AttributeError:
+ return parent.zero();
+ ## IPR call
+ ## Symbolic case?
+ if(sage.symbolic.ring.is_SymbolicExpressionRing(parent.base())):
+ raise TypeError("Base ring for the InfinitePolynomialRing not valid (found SymbolicRing)");
+ ## Zero case
+ if(element == 0):
+ return 0;
+ ### Monomial case
+ if(element.is_monomial()):
+ ## Case of degree 1 (add one to the index of the variable)
+ if(len(element.variables()) == 1 and element.degree() == 1):
+ g,n = get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, element, True);
+ return r_method(g[n+1]);
+ ## Case of higher degree
+ else:
+ # Computing the variables in the monomial and their degrees (in order)
+ variables = element.variables();
+ degrees = [element.degree(v) for v in variables];
+ variables = [parent(v) for v in variables]
+ ## Computing the common factor
+ com_factor = prod([variables[i]**(degrees[i]-1) for i in range(len(degrees))]);
+ ## Computing the derivative of each variable
+ der_variables = [infinite_derivative(parent(v)) for v in variables];
+ ## Computing the particular part for each summand
+ each_sum = [];
+ for i in range(len(variables)):
+ if(degrees[i] > 0):
+ part_prod = prod([variables[j] for j in range(len(variables)) if j != i]);
+ each_sum += [degrees[i]*infinite_derivative(parent(variables[i]))*part_prod];
+ ## Computing the final result
+ return r_method(com_factor*sum(each_sum));
+ ### Non-monomial case
+ else:
+ coefficients = element.coefficients();
+ monomials = [parent(el) for el in element.monomials()];
+ return r_method(sum([infinite_derivative(coefficients[i])*monomials[i] + coefficients[i]*infinite_derivative(monomials[i]) for i in range(len(monomials))]));
+### Changes from and to InfinitePolynomialRings and MultivariatePolynomialRings
+def fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly):
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(poly.parent())):
+ return poly;
+ gens = poly.variables();
+ base = poly.parent().base();
+ parent = PolynomialRing(base, gens);
+ return parent(str(poly));
+def fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(poly):
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(poly) and (not is_MPolynomialRing(parent))):
+ return poly;
+ names = [str(el) for el in poly.parent().gens()];
+ pos = names[0].rfind("_");
+ if(pos == -1):
+ return poly;
+ prefix = names[0][:pos];
+ if(not all(el.find(prefix) == 0 for el in names)):
+ return poly;
+ R = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), prefix);
+ return R(poly);
+### Methods for computing Diff. Algebraic equations with simpler coefficients
+def diffalg_reduction(poly, _infinite=False, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that recieves a polynomial 'poly' with variables y_0,...,y_m with coefficients in some ring DD(R) and reduce it to a polynomial
+ 'result' with coefficients in R where, for any function f(x) such that poly(f) == 0, result(f) == 0.
+ The algorithm works as follows:
+ 1 - Collect all the coefficients and their derivatives
+ 2 - Perform the simplification to each pair of coefficients
+ 3 - Perform the simplification for the last derivatives of the remaining coefficients --> gens
+ 4 - Build the final derivation matrix for 'gens'
+ 5 - Create a vector v for represent 'poly' w.r.t. 'gens'
+ 6 - Build a square matrix --> M = (v | v' | ... | v^(n))
+ 7 - Return det(M)
+ - poly: a polynomial with variables y_0,...,y_m. Also an infinite polynomial with variable y_* is valid.
+ - _infinite: if True the result polynomial will be an infinite polynomial. Otherwise, a finite variable polynomial will be returned.
+ - _debug: if True, the steps of the algorithm will be printed.
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ### Preprocessing the input poly
+ parent, poly, dR = __check_input(poly, _debug);
+ if(not is_DDRing(dR)):
+ raise TypeError("diffalg_reduction: polynomial is not over a DDRing");
+ R = dR.base();
+ ## Step 1: collecting function and derivatives
+ __dprint("---- DEBUGGING PRINTING FOR diffalg_reduction", _debug);
+ __dprint("R: %s" %R, _debug);
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 1", _debug);
+ coeffs = poly.coefficients(); # List of original coefficients
+ __dprint("Coefficients: %s" %("["+reduce(lambda p,q : p+", "+q, [repr(coeff) for coeff in coeffs])+"]"), _debug);
+ ocoeffs = coeffs; # Extra variable with the same list
+ monomials = poly.monomials(); # List of monomials
+ l_of_derivatives = [[f.derivative(times=i) for i in range(f.getOrder())] for f in coeffs]; # List of derivatives for each coefficient
+ ## Step 2: simplification of coefficients
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 2", _debug);
+ graph = __simplify_coefficients(R, coeffs, l_of_derivatives, _debug);
+ maximal_elements = __digraph_roots(graph, _debug);
+ ## Detecting case: all coefficients are already simpler
+ if(len(maximal_elements) == 1 and maximal_elements[0] == -1 and len(graph.outgoing_edges(-1)) == len(graph.edges())):
+ __dprint("Detected simplicity: returning the same polynomial over the basic ring", _debug);
+ return r_method(InfinitePolynomialRing(R, names=["y"])(poly));
+ # Reducing the considered coefficients
+ coeffs = [coeffs[i] for i in maximal_elements if i != (-1)];
+ l_of_derivatives = [l_of_derivatives[i] for i in maximal_elements if i != (-1)];
+ ## Step 3: simplification with the derivatives
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 3", _debug);
+ drelations = __simplify_derivatives(l_of_derivatives, _debug);
+ ## Building the vector of final generators
+ gens = [];
+ if(-1 in maximal_elements):
+ gens = [1];
+ gens = sum([l_of_derivatives[i][:drelations[i][0]] for i in range(len(coeffs))], gens);
+ S = len(gens);
+ __dprint("Resulting vector of generators: %s" %gens, _debug);
+ ## Step 4: build the derivation matrix
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 4", _debug);
+ C = __build_derivation_matrix(gens, coeffs, drelations, _debug);
+ cR = InfinitePolynomialRing(C.base_ring(), names=["y"]);
+ ## Step 5: build the vector v
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 5", _debug);
+ v = __build_vector(ocoeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug);
+ ## Step 6: build the square matrix M = (v, v',...)
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 6", _debug);
+ __dprint("Computing derivatives from the vector (step 5) using the matrix (step 4)", _debug);
+ derivative = infinite_derivative;
+ M = matrix_of_dMovement(C, v, derivative, S);
+ __dprint("Vector of generators:\n\t%s" %gens, _debug);
+ __dprint("Final matrix (vector in rows):\n\t%s" %(str(M.transpose()).replace('\n', '\n\t')), _debug);
+ __dprint("Returning the determinant", _debug);
+ __dprint("---- DEBUGGING PRINTING FOR diffalg_reduction (finished)", _debug);
+ return r_method(M.determinant());
+### Some private methods for diffalg_reduction
+def __check_input(poly, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that check and cast the polynomial input accordingly to our standards.
+ The element 'poly' must be a polynomial with variables y_0,...,y_m with coefficients in some ring
+ '''
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_MPolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_PolynomialRing(parent)):
+ raise TypeError("__check_input: the input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained something in %s" %parent);
+ if(not str(parent.gens()[0]).startswith("y_")):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), "y");
+ else:
+ gens = list(parent.gens());
+ to_delete = [];
+ for gen in gens:
+ if(str(gen).startswith("y_")):
+ to_delete += [gen];
+ if(len(to_delete) == 0):
+ raise TypeError("__check_input: the input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ for gen in to_delete:
+ gens.remove(gen);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(parent.base(), gens), "y");
+ else:
+ if(parent.ngens() > 1 or repr(parent.gen()) != "y_*"):
+ raise TypeError("__check_input: the input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ poly = parent(poly);
+ dR = parent.base();
+ return (parent, poly, dR);
+def __simplify_coefficients(base, coeffs, derivatives, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that get the relations for the coefficients within their derivatives. The list 'coeffs' is the list to simplify
+ and ;derivatives' is a list of lists with the derivatives of each element of 'coeffs' that we will consider.
+ It returns a pair (graph, relations) where:
+ - graph: a forest of the points of minimal depth with all the relations
+ - relations: a dictionary which tells for each i < j, how the ith coefficient is related with the jth coefficient
+ (see __find_relation to know how that relation is expressed).
+ '''
+ # Checking the input
+ n = len(coeffs);
+ if(len(derivatives) < n):
+ raise ValueError("__simplify_coefficients: error in size of the input 'derivatives'");
+ E = range(n);
+ R = [];
+ # Checking the simplest cases (coeff[i] in R)
+ simpler = [];
+ for i in range(n):
+ if(coeffs[i] in base):
+ if((-1) not in E):
+ E += [-1];
+ R += [(-1,i,(0,0,coeffs[i]))];
+ simpler += [i];
+ __dprint("Simpler coefficiets (related with -1): %s" %simpler, _debug);
+ # Starting the comparison
+ for i in range(n):
+ for j in range(i+1, n):
+ # Checking (i,j)
+ if(not(j in simpler)):
+ rel = __find_relation(coeffs[j], derivatives[i], _debug);
+ if(not(rel is None)):
+ R += [(i,j,rel)];
+ continue;
+ # Checking (j,i)
+ if(not(i in simpler)):
+ rel = __find_relation(coeffs[i], derivatives[j], _debug);
+ if(not(rel is None)):
+ R += [(j,i,rel)];
+ # Checking if the basic case will be used because of the relations
+ if((-1) not in E and any(e[2][1][1] != 0 for e in R)):
+ E += [-1];
+ # Building the graph and returning
+ __dprint("All relations: %s" %R, _debug);
+ graph = DiGraph([E,R]);
+ __dprint("Edges: %s" %graph.edges(), _debug);
+ # Deleting spurious relations and returning
+ return __min_span_tree(graph, _debug);
+def __simplify_derivatives(derivatives, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method to get the relations for the derivatives of the coefficients. The argument 'derivatives' contains a list of lists for which
+ one we will see if the last elements have relations with the firsts.
+ It returns a list of tuples 'res' where 'res[i][0] = k' if the kth fucntion in 'derivatives[i]' is the first element on the list
+ with relations with the previous elements and 'res[i][1]' is the relation found.
+ If no relation is found, a tuple (None,None) is added to the list.
+ '''
+ res = [];
+ for i in range(len(derivatives)):
+ to_add = (None,None);
+ for k in range(len(derivatives[i])-1,0,-1):
+ relation = __find_relation(derivatives[i][k], derivatives[i][:k-1], _debug);
+ if(not (relation is None)):
+ to_add = (k,relation);
+ break;
+ res += [to_add];
+ __dprint("Found relations with derivatives: %s" %res, _debug);
+ return res;
+def __find_relation(g,df, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that get the relation between g and the list df.
+ It returns a tuple (k,res) where:
+ - k: the first index which we found a relation
+ - res: the relation (see __find_linear_relation to see how such relation is expressed).
+ Then the following statement is always True:
+ g == df[k]*res[0] + res[1]
+ '''
+ __dprint("** Checking relations between %s and %s" %(repr(g), df), _debug);
+ for k in range(len(df)):
+ res = __find_linear_relation(g,df[k]);
+ if(not (res is None)):
+ __dprint("Found relation:\n\t(%s) == [%s]*(%s) + [%s]" %(repr(g),repr(res[0]), repr(df[k]), repr(res[1])), _debug);
+ __dprint("*************************", _debug);
+ return (k,res);
+ __dprint("Nothing found\n*************************", _debug);
+ return None;
+def __find_linear_relation(f,g):
+ '''
+ This method receives two DDFunctions and return two constants (c,d) such that f = cg+d.
+ None is return if those constants do not exist.
+ '''
+ if(not (is_DDFunction(f) and is_DDFunction(g))):
+ raise TypeError("find_linear_relation: The functions are not DDFunctions");
+ ## Simplest case: some of the functions are constants is a constant
+ if(f.is_constant):
+ return (f.parent().zero(), f(0));
+ elif(g.is_constant):
+ return None;
+ try:
+ of = 1; og = 1;
+ while(f.getSequenceElement(of) == 0): of += 1;
+ while(g.getSequenceElement(og) == 0): og += 1;
+ if(of == og):
+ c = f.getSequenceElement(of)/g.getSequenceElement(og);
+ d = f(0) - c*g(0);
+ if(f == c*g + d):
+ return (c,d);
+ except Exception:
+ pass;
+ return None;
+def __min_span_tree(digraph, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that computes a forest from a directed graph containing all vertices and having the minimal depth.
+ It is computed with a breadth first search.
+ '''
+ to_search = __digraph_roots(digraph, _debug);
+ i = 0;
+ done = [];
+ edges = [];
+ while(i < len(to_search)):
+ v = to_search[i];
+ if(not (v in done)):
+ for e in digraph.outgoing_edges(v):
+ if(not(e[1] in to_search)):
+ to_search += [e[1]];
+ edges += [e];
+ done += [v];
+ i += 1;
+ return DiGraph([digraph.vertices(),edges]);
+def __digraph_roots(digraph, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that computes the roots of a directed graph. We consider a vertex v to be a root if there
+ are not edges (v,w) in the graph.
+ '''
+ return [v for v in digraph.vertices() if digraph.in_degree(v) == 0];
+def __build_derivation_matrix(gens, coeffs, drelations, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method to build a derivation matrix 'C' for the vector of generators 'gen'.
+ All the information about the coefficients and their relations are given
+ by the arguments 'coeffs' (list of basic elements for 'gens') and
+ 'drelations' (relations between elements in 'coeffs' and the last derivative
+ on 'gens').
+ It could be that gens[0] == 1. This element must be treated in a specific
+ way collecting all the relations on 'drelations'.
+ '''
+ __dprint("Building derivation matrix for %s" %gens, _debug);
+ rows = []; # Variable for the rows of the matrix M
+ constant = (gens[0] == 1); # Flag variable for gens[0] == 1
+ coeff_order = []; # Collecting the real order of each coefficient in the vector space
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ if(drelations[i][0] is None):
+ coeff_order += [coeffs[i].getOrder()];
+ else:
+ coeff_order += [drelations[i][0]];
+ coeff_index = [0]; # Variable for the index of coeff[i] in gens
+ if(constant): coeff_index[0] = 1;
+ for i in range(1, len(coeffs)): coeff_index += [coeff_index[-1]+coeff_order[i-1]];
+ __dprint("Is there constant: %s" %constant, _debug);
+ __dprint("Orders: %s\nIndices: %s" %(coeff_order, coeff_index), _debug);
+ ## Considering the case that gens[0] == -1
+ if(constant):
+ new_row = [0];
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ new_row += [0 for j in range(coeff_order[i])];
+ if(not (drelations[i][1] is None)):
+ new_row[-1] = drelations[i][1][1][1];
+ rows += [new_row];
+ ## Now we loop through all the coefficients in coeffs
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ com = coeffs[i].equation.companion();
+ for j in range(coeff_order[i]):
+ ## Building the jth row for coeff[i]
+ new_row = [0 for k in range(coeff_index[i])]; # First columns for the row
+ ## Middle columns for the row
+ new_row += [com[j][k] for k in range(coeff_order[i]-1)];
+ if((not (drelations[i][0] is None)) and (drelations[i][1][0] == j)):
+ new_row += [drelations[i][1][1][0]];
+ else:
+ new_row += [com[j][coeff_order[i]-1]];
+ new_row += [0 for k in range(coeff_index[i]+coeff_order[i], len(gens))]; # Last columns for the row
+ ## Adding the resulting row
+ rows += [new_row];
+ rows = Matrix(rows);
+ __dprint("** Matrix:\n%s\n*******" %rows, _debug);
+ return rows;
+def __build_vector(coeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ This method builds a vector that represent the polynomial generated by
+ 'coeffs' and 'monomials' using the relations contained in 'graph'
+ and 'drelations' w.r.t. the vector 'gens'.
+ The output vector v satisfies:
+ sum(coeffs[i]*monomials[i]) == sum(v[j]*gens[j])
+ '''
+ # Computing important data for each coefficient
+ maximal_elements = [el for el in __digraph_roots(graph) if el != -1];
+ coeff_order = [];
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ if(i in maximal_elements and (not (drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][0] is None))):
+ coeff_order += [drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][0]];
+ else:
+ coeff_order += [coeffs[i].getOrder()];
+ constant = (-1 in graph.vertices());
+ __dprint("Is there constant: %s" %constant, _debug);
+ # Computing vectors and companion matrices for each element
+ vectors = [vector(cR, [monomials[i]] + [0 for i in range(coeff_order[i]-1)]) for i in range(len(coeffs))];
+ trans = [];
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ if(i in maximal_elements and (not (drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][0] is None))):
+ relation = drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)];
+ C = [];
+ for j in range(relation[0]):
+ new_row = [el for el in coeffs[i].equation.companion()[j][:relation[0]-1]] + [0];
+ if(j == relation[1][0]):
+ new_row[-1] = relation[1][1][0];
+ C += [new_row];
+ C = Matrix(C);
+ trans += [(drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][1][1][1], C)];
+ else:
+ trans += [(0, coeffs[i].equation.companion())];
+ if(_debug):
+ print "--- Transitions to nodes:";
+ for i in range(len(trans)):
+ print "+++ %s --> Cosntant: %s; Matrix:\n%s" %(i, trans[i][0], trans[i][1]);
+ print "-------------------------";
+ const_val = 0;
+ # Doing a Tree Transversal in POstorder in the graph to pull up the vectors
+ # Case for -1
+ if(constant):
+ maximal_elements = [-1] + maximal_elements;
+ # const_val = sum(cR(coeffs[e[1]])*monomials[coeffs[e[1]]] for e in graph.outgoing_edges(-1));
+ stack = copy(maximal_elements); stack.reverse();
+ # Rest of the graph
+ ready = [];
+ while(len(stack) > 0):
+ current = stack[-1];
+ if(current in ready):
+ __dprint("Visiting node %s" %current, _debug);
+ if(not (current in maximal_elements)):
+ # Visit the node: pull-up the vector
+ edge = graph.incoming_edges(current)[0];
+ cu_vector = vectors[current];
+ ## Constant case; reducing to the constant term
+ if(edge[0] == -1):
+ __dprint("** Reducing node %d to constant" %(current), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Current vector: %s" %(cu_vector), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Prev. constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ const_val += sum(cu_vector[i]*cR(coeffs[current].derivative(times=i)) for i in range(len(cu_vector)));
+ __dprint("\t- New constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ ## General case
+ else:
+ de_vector = vectors[edge[0]];
+ relation = edge[2];
+ C = trans[edge[0]][1];
+ __dprint("** Reducing node %d to %d" %(current, edge[0]), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Current vector: %s" %(cu_vector), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Destiny vector: %s" %(de_vector), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Relation: %s" %(str(relation)), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Matrix:\n\t\t%s" %(str(C).replace('\n','\n\t\t')), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Prev. constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ # Building vectors for all the required derivatives
+ ivectors = [vector(cR, [0 for i in range(relation[0])] + [1] + [0 for i in range(relation[0]+1,coeff_order[edge[0]])])];
+ extra_cons = [relation[1][1]];
+ for i in range(len(cu_vector)):
+ extra_cons += [ivectors[-1][-1]*trans[edge[0]][0]];
+ ivectors += [differential_movement(C, ivectors[-1], infinite_derivative)];
+ vectors[edge[0]] = sum([vector(cR,[cu_vector[i]*ivectors[i][j] for j in range(len(ivectors[i]))]) for i in range(len(cu_vector))], de_vector);
+ const_val += sum([cu_vector[i]*extra_cons[i] for i in range(len(cu_vector))]);
+ __dprint("\t- New vector: %s" %vectors[edge[0]], _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- New constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ __dprint("*************************", _debug);
+ # Getting out the element of the stack
+ stack.pop();
+ else:
+ # Add the children and visit them
+ ready += [current];
+ for e in graph.outgoing_edges(current):
+ stack.append(e[1]);
+ final_vector = [];
+ for i in maximal_elements:
+ if(i == -1):
+ final_vector += [const_val];
+ else:
+ final_vector += [el for el in vectors[i]];
+ final_vector = vector(cR, final_vector);
+ __dprint("Vector: %s" %final_vector, _debug);
+ return vector(final_vector);
+def toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below(poly, _infinite=False, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that receives a polynomial with variables y_0,...,y_m with coefficients in some ring DD(R) and reduce it to a polynomial
+ with coefficients in R.
+ The optional input '_debug' allow the user to print extra information as the matrix that the determinant is computed.
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ### Preprocessing the input
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_MPolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_PolynomialRing(parent)):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained something in %s" %parent);
+ if(not str(parent.gens()[0]).startswith("y_")):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), "y");
+ else:
+ gens = list(parent.gens());
+ to_delete = [];
+ for gen in gens:
+ if(str(gen).startswith("y_")):
+ to_delete += [gen];
+ if(len(to_delete) == 0):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ for gen in to_delete:
+ gens.remove(gen);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(parent.base(), gens), "y");
+ else:
+ if(parent.ngens() > 1 or repr(parent.gen()) != "y_*"):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ poly = parent(poly);
+ ### Now poly is in a InfinitePolynomialRing with one generator "y_*" and some base ring.
+ if(not isinstance(parent.base(), DDRing)):
+ print "The base ring is not a DDRing. Returning the original polynomial (reached the bottom)";
+ return r_method(poly);
+ up_ddring = parent.base()
+ dw_ddring = up_ddring.base();
+ goal_ring = InfinitePolynomialRing(dw_ddring, "y");
+ coefficients = poly.coefficients();
+ monomials = poly.monomials();
+ ## Arraging the coefficients and organize the vector-space notation
+ dict_to_derivatives = {};
+ dict_to_vectors = {};
+ S = 0;
+ for i in range(len(coefficients)):
+ coeff = coefficients[i]; monomial = goal_ring(str(monomials[i]));
+ if(coeff in dw_ddring):
+ if(1 not in dict_to_vectors):
+ S += 1;
+ dict_to_vectors[1] = goal_ring.zero();
+ dict_to_vectors[1] += dw_ddring(coeff)*monomial;
+ else:
+ used = False;
+ for el in dict_to_derivatives:
+ try:
+ index = dict_to_derivatives[el].index(coeff);
+ dict_to_vectors[el][index] += monomial;
+ used = True;
+ break;
+ except ValueError:
+ pass;
+ if(not used):
+ list_of_derivatives = [coeff];
+ for j in range(coeff.getOrder()-1):
+ list_of_derivatives += [list_of_derivatives[-1].derivative()];
+ dict_to_derivatives[coeff] = list_of_derivatives;
+ dict_to_vectors[coeff] = [monomial] + [0 for j in range(coeff.getOrder()-1)];
+ S += coeff.getOrder();
+ rows = [];
+ for el in dict_to_vectors:
+ if(el == 1):
+ row = [dict_to_vectors[el]];
+ for i in range(S-1):
+ row += [infinite_derivative(row[-1])];
+ rows += [row];
+ else:
+ C = el.equation.companion();
+ C = Matrix(goal_ring.base(),[[goal_ring.base()(row_el) for row_el in row] for row in C]);
+ rows += [row for row in matrix_of_dMovement(C, vector(goal_ring, dict_to_vectors[el]), infinite_derivative, S)];
+ M = Matrix(rows);
+ if(_debug): print M;
+ return r_method(M.determinant().numerator());
+def diff_to_diffalg(func, _infinite=False, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that compute an differentially algebraic equation for the obect func.
+ This objet may be any element in QQ(x) or an element in some DDRing. In the first case
+ the equation returned is the simple "y_0 - func". In the latter, we compute the differential
+ equation using the linear differential representation of the obect.
+ The result is always a polynomial with variables "y_*" where the number in the index
+ represent the derivative.
+ The optional argument _debug allows the user to see during execution more data of the computation.
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ## Computations
+ try:
+ parent = func.parent();
+ except AttributeError:
+ return r_method(PolynomialRing(QQ,"y_0")("y_0 + %s" %func));
+ if(isinstance(parent, DDRing)):
+ R = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), "y");
+ p = sum([R("y_%d" %i)*func[i] for i in range(func.getOrder()+1)], R.zero());
+ for i in range(parent.depth()-1):
+ p = toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below(p, _infinite=True, _debug=_debug);
+ return r_method(p);
+ else:
+ R = PolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(QQ,x).fraction_field, "y_0");
+ return r_method(R.gens()[0] - func);
+### Methods for computing Diff. Algebraic equation for inverses
+### - Multiplicative inverse from DA equation
+### - Functional inverse from Dn-finite equation
+def inverse_DA(poly, vars=None, _infinite=False):
+ '''
+ Method that computes the DA equation for the multiplicative inverse
+ of the solutions of a DA equation.
+ We assume that the variables given by vars are the variables representing
+ the solution, namely vars[i+1] = vars[i].derivative().
+ If vars is not provided, we take all the variables from the polynomial
+ that is given.
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ## Checking that poly is a polynomial
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(is_FractionField(parent)):
+ parent = parent.base();
+ if(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ poly = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly);
+ return inverse_DA(poly, vars, _infinite=_infinite);
+ if(not (is_PolynomialRing(parent) or is_MPolynomialRing(parent))):
+ raise TypeError("No polynomial is given");
+ poly = parent(poly);
+ ## Getting the list of variables
+ if(vars is None):
+ g = list(poly.parent().gens()); g.reverse();
+ else:
+ if(any(v not in poly.parent().gens())):
+ raise TypeError("The variables given are not in the polynomial ring");
+ g = vars;
+ ## Computing the derivative of the inverse using Faa di Bruno's formula
+ derivatives = [1/g[0]] + [sum((falling_factorial(-1, k)/g[0]**(k+1))*bell_polynomial(n,k)(*g[1:n-k+2]) for k in range(1,n+1)) for n in range(1,len(g
+ ## Computing the final equation
+ return r_method(poly(**{str(g[i]): derivatives[i] for i in range(len(g))}).numerator());
+def func_inverse_DA(func, _inifnite=False, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ TODO: Add documentation
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ## Computations
+ equation = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(diff_to_diffalg(func, _debug=_debug));
+ if(_debug): print equation;
+ parent = equation.parent();
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ n = len(equation.variables());
+ quot = [FaaDiBruno_polynomials(i, parent)[0]/FaaDiBruno_polynomials(i,parent)[1] for i in range(n)];
+ coeffs = [el(**{str(parent.base().gens()[0]) : y[0]}) for el in equation.coefficients()];
+ monomials = [el(**{str(y[j]) : quot[j] for j in range(n)}) for el in equation.monomials()];
+ if(_debug):
+ print monomials;
+ print coeffs;
+ sol = sum(monomials[i]*coeffs[i] for i in range(len(monomials)));
+ if(_debug): print sol;
+ if(hasattr(sol, "numerator")):
+ return parent(sol.numerator());
+ return r_method(parent(sol));
+### Methods for compute Dn-finite equations from DA-equations
+def guess_Dnfinite(poly, init):
+ ## TODO: Method not public
+ res = guess_homogeneous_DNfinite(poly, init);
+ if(is_DDFunction(res)):
+ return res;
+ return guess_DA_DDfinite(poly, init);
+def guess_DA_DDfinite(poly, init=[], bS=None, bd = None, all=True):
+ '''
+ Method that tries to compute a DD-finite differential equation
+ for a DA-function with constant coefficients.
+ It just tries all the possibilities. It uses the Composition class
+ to get the possibilities of the orders for the coefficients.
+ - poly: polynomial with the differential equation we want to mimic with DD-finite elements
+ - init: initial values of the solution of poly
+ - bS: bound to the sum of orders in the DD-finite equation
+ - db: bound to the order of the DD-finite equation
+ - all: compute all the posibles equations
+ '''
+ poly = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly);
+ if(not poly.is_homogeneous()):
+ raise TypeError("We require a homogeneous polynomial");
+ if(bS is None):
+ S = poly.degree();
+ else:
+ S = bS;
+ if(bd is None):
+ d = S - poly.parent().ngens() + 2;
+ else:
+ d = bd;
+ compositions = Compositions(S, length = d+1);
+ coeffs = [["a_%d_%d" %(i,j) for j in range(S)] for i in range(d+1)];
+ cInit = [["i_%d_%d" %(i,j) for j in range(S-1)] for i in range(d+1)];
+ R = ParametrizedDDRing(DFinite, sum(coeffs, [])+sum(cInit,[]));
+ R2 = R.to_depth(2);
+ coeffs = [[R.parameter(coeffs[i][j]) for j in range(S)] for i in range(d+1)];
+ cInit = [[R.parameter(cInit[i][j]) for j in range(S-1)] for i in range(d+1)];
+ sols = [];
+ for c in compositions:
+ ## Building the parametrized guess
+ e = [R.element([coeffs[i][j] for j in range(c[i])] + [1],cInit[i]) for i in range(d+1)];
+ f = R2.element(e);
+ if(len(init) > 0):
+ try:
+ f = f.change_init_values([init[i] for i in range(min(len(init), f.equation.jp_value+1))]);
+ except ValueError:
+ continue;
+ ## Computing the DA equation
+ poly2 = diff_to_diffalg(f);
+ ###############################################
+ ### Comparing the algebraic equations
+ ## Getting a possible constant difference
+ m = poly.monomials();
+ m2 = poly2.monomials();
+ eqs = [];
+ C = None;
+ for mon in m2:
+ c2 = poly2.coefficient(mon);
+ if(poly2.parent().base()(poly2.coefficient(mon)).is_constant()):
+ C = poly.coefficient(poly.parent()(mon))/c2;
+ break;
+ if(C is None):
+ C = 1;
+ elif(C == 0):
+ continue;
+ ### Building all equations from the algebraic equation
+ for mon in m2:
+ c2 = poly2.coefficient(mon); c = poly.coefficient(poly.parent()(mon));
+ eqs += [C*c2 - c];
+ ##################################################
+ ### Comparing the initial values
+ for i in range(min(len(init), f.equation.jp_value+1),len(init)):
+ try:
+ eqs += [f.getInitialValue(i) - init[i]];
+ except TypeError:
+ break; ## Case when no initial value can be computed
+ ##################################################
+ ### Solving the system (groebner basis)
+ P = R.base_field.base();
+ fEqs = [];
+ for el in eqs:
+ if(el.parent().is_field()):
+ fEqs += [P(str(el.numerator()))];
+ else:
+ fEqs += [P(str(el))];
+ gb = ideal(fEqs).groebner_basis();
+ if(1 not in gb):
+ sols += [(f,gb)];
+ if(not all):
+ break;
+ if(len(sols) > 0 and not all):
+ return sols[0];
+ return sols;
+def guess_homogeneous_DNfinite(poly, init):
+ '''
+ Method that tries to compute a Dn-finite differential equation
+ for a DA-function defined from an homogeneous equation.
+ This method simplifies the equation supposing that the solution
+ is of the form y(x) = exp(int(u(x))), getting a differential equation
+ for u(x) of less order.
+ If we end up with a linear equation, then we can return a Dn-finite function
+ where n depends on how many iterations we needed.
+ If the final algebraic equation is not linear, then we return this
+ last equation together with the number of iterations done.
+ - poly: polynomial with the differential equation we want to mimic with DD-finite elements
+ - init: initial values of the solution of poly (must be enough).
+ '''
+ new_poly, depth = simplify_homogeneous(poly);
+ parent = new_poly.parent(); base = parent.base(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ order = max(get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, v, True)[1] for v in new_poly.variables());
+ if(new_poly.degree() == 1 and new_poly.is_homogeneous()): ## We can build something
+ coeffs = [];
+ for i in range(order+1):
+ if(y[i] in new_poly.variables()):
+ coeffs += new_poly.coefficients()[new_poly.monomials().index(y[i])];
+ else:
+ coeffs += [0];
+ inhom = new_poly.constant_coefficient();
+ if(is_DDRing(base)):
+ base_field = base.base_field;
+ base = base.to_depth(base.depth()+1);
+ else:
+ base_field = base.fraction_field();
+ base = DDRing(PolynomialRing(base_field, 'x'));
+ ## We can build a D(depth+1)-finite function
+ deep_init = build_initial_from_homogeneous(tuple(init), order, depth, base_field);
+ res = base.element(coeffs, deep_init, inhomogeneous=inhom);
+ for i in range(depth):
+ res = Exp(res.integrate(0));
+ return res;
+ else:
+ return (new_poly, depth);
+def build_initial_from_homogeneous(init, n, depth, base):
+ ## Checking we have enough data
+ if(len(init) < n+depth):
+ raise TypeError("Not enought initial data was provided (required %d)" %(n+depth));
+ elif(len(init) > n+depth):
+ return build_initial_from_homogeneous(tuple(list(init)[:n+depth]), n, depth, base);
+ ## Base case with depth = 0
+ if(depth == 0):
+ return init[:n];
+ ## Casting the input to the desired ring
+ init = [base(el) for el in init];
+ ## Checking the initial condition init[0]
+ if(init[0] == 0):
+ raise ValueError("Initial condition is zero. Impossible to compute a solution of the form e(int(u(x)))");
+ ## Computing the initial conditions for depth "depth-1"
+ new_init = [init[1]/init[0]];
+ parent = Exponential_polynomials(1,base).parent(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ for i in range(1,n+depth-1):
+ poly = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(-(Exponential_polynomials(i+1, parent) - y[i]));
+ new_init += [base(poly(**{str(y[j]) : new_init[j] for j in range(i)})) + init[i+1]/init[0]];
+ ## Returning the recurive call with one less depth
+ return build_initial_from_homogeneous(tuple(new_init), n, depth-1, base);
+def simplify_homogeneous(poly, _stop_linear=True):
+ '''
+ Given an homogeneous differential polynomial 'poly', we reduce the order of the equation by 1
+ using the change of variables y(x) = exp(int(u(x))).
+ This leads to a differentially algebraic equation of order 1 less than 'poly'. If we obtain a
+ new homogeneous equation, we can iterate. The return of this function is this final result toether
+ with the number of steps performed.
+ '''
+ poly = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(poly);
+ parent = poly.parent(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(not(poly.is_homogeneous()) or (_stop_linear and poly.degree() == 1)):
+ return (poly,0);
+ d = {str(y[0]) : parent.one()};
+ for v in poly.variables():
+ if(v != y[0]):
+ d[str(v)] = Exponential_polynomials(get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, v, True)[1], parent);
+ new_poly = poly(**d);
+ result,n = simplify_homogeneous(new_poly);
+ return (result, n+1);
+### Polynomial functions
+def FaaDiBruno_polynomials(n, parent):
+ if(n < 0):
+ raise ValueError("No Faa Di Bruno polynomial can be computed for negative index");
+ elif(not(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent))):
+ if((not(is_PolynomialRing(parent))) and (not(is_MPolynomialRing(parent)))):
+ raise TypeError("The parent ring is not valid: needed polynomial rings or InfinitePolynomialRing");
+ return FaaDiBruno_polynomials(n, InfinitePolynomialRing(parent, "y"));
+ if(parent.base().ngens() == 0 or parent.base().gens()[0] == 1):
+ raise TypeError("Needed a inner variable in the coefficient ring");
+ x = parent.base().gens()[0];
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(n == 0):
+ return (parent(parent.base().gens()[0]), parent.one());
+ if(n == 1):
+ return (parent.one(), y[1]);
+ else:
+ prev = [FaaDiBruno_polynomials(k, parent) for k in range(n)];
+ ele = -sum(prev[k][0]*bell_polynomial(n,k)(**{"x%d" %i : y[i+1] for i in range(n-k+1)})/prev[k][1] for k in range(1,n))/(y[1]**n);
+ return (ele.numerator(), ele.denominator());
+def Exponential_polynomials(n, parent):
+ if(n <= 0):
+ raise ValueError("No Exponential polynomial can be computed for non-positive index");
+ elif(not(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent))):
+ return Exponential_polynomials(n, InfinitePolynomialRing(parent, "y"));
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(n == 1):
+ return y[0];
+ else:
+ prev = Exponential_polynomials(n-1,parent);
+ return infinite_derivative(prev) + y[0]*prev;
+def Logarithmic_polynomials(n, parent):
+ if(n < 0):
+ raise ValueError("No Logarithmic polynomial can be computed for non-positive index");
+ elif(not(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent))):
+ return Logarithmic_polynomials(n, InfinitePolynomialRing(parent, "y"));
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(n == 0):
+ return y[1]/y[0];
+ else:
+ return infinite_derivative(Logarithmic_polynomials(n-1, parent));
+def is_Riccati(poly):
+ '''
+ Method that checks if a non-linear differential equation is of Riccatti type
+ and returns the change of coordinates and the linear differential equation in case
+ we can.
+ '''
+ poly = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(poly);
+ parent = poly.parent(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ var = poly.variables(); index = [get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, v, True) for v in var];
+ to_plug = [Logarithmic_polynomials(i, parent) for i in index];
+ new_poly = poly(**{str(var[i]): to_plug[i] for i in range(len(var))});
+ if(new_poly.degree() <= 1):
+ return new_poly, y[1]/y[0];
+ return None;
+### Private functions
+def __dprint(obj, _debug):
+ if(_debug): print obj;
+__all__ = ["is_InfinitePolynomialRing", "get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen", "infinite_derivative", "diffalg_reduction", "toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below", "diff_to_diffalg", "inverse_DA", "func_inverse_DA", "guess_DA_DDfinite", "guess_homogeneous_DNfinite", "FaaDiBruno_polynomials", "Exponential_polynomials", "Logarithmic_polynomials", "is_Riccati"];
+# Extra functions for debugging
+def simplify_coefficients(base, coeffs, derivatives, _debug=True):
+ return __simplify_coefficients(base,coeffs,derivatives,_debug);
+def simplify_derivatives(derivatives, _debug=True):
+ return __simplify_derivatives(derivatives, _debug);
+def find_relation(g,df, _debug=True):
+ return __find_relation(g,df,_debug);
+def find_linear_relation(f,g):
+ return __find_linear_relation(g,df);
+def build_derivation_matrix(gens, coeffs, drelations, _debug=True):
+ return __build_derivation_matrix(gens, coeffs, drelations, _debug);
+def build_vector(coeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug=True):
+ return __build_vector(coeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug);
+__all__ += ["simplify_coefficients", "simplify_derivatives", "find_relation", "find_linear_relation", "build_derivation_matrix", "build_vector"];
--- /dev/null
+from sage.all_cmdline import * # import sage library
+from sage.graphs.digraph import DiGraph;
+from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import is_PolynomialRing;
+from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring import is_MPolynomialRing;
+from sage.rings.fraction_field import is_FractionField;
+from ajpastor.dd_functions.ddFunction import *;
+from ajpastor.dd_functions.ddExamples import *;
+from sage.rings.polynomial.infinite_polynomial_ring import InfinitePolynomialRing;
+from ajpastor.misc.matrix import matrix_of_dMovement;
+from ajpastor.misc.matrix import differential_movement;
+### Utilities functions for InfinitePolynomialRings
+def is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent):
+ from sage.rings.polynomial.infinite_polynomial_ring import InfinitePolynomialRing_dense as dense;
+ from sage.rings.polynomial.infinite_polynomial_ring import InfinitePolynomialRing_sparse as sparse;
+ return isinstance(parent, dense) or isinstance(parent, sparse);
+def get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, var, with_number = False):
+ for gen in parent.gens():
+ spl = str(var).split(repr(gen)[:-1]);
+ if(len(spl) == 2):
+ if(with_number):
+ return (gen, int(spl[1]));
+ else:
+ return gen;
+ return None;
+#### TODO: Review this function
+def infinite_derivative(element, times=1, var=x, _infinite=True):
+ '''
+ Method that takes an element and compute its times-th derivative
+ with respect to the variable given by var.
+ If the element is not in a InfinitePolynomialRing then the method
+ 'derivative' of the object will be called. Otherwise this method
+ returns the derivative following the rules:
+ - The coefficients of the polynomial ring are differentiated using
+ a recursive call to this method (usually this leads to a call of the
+ method '.derivative' of that coefficient).
+ - Any variable "#_n" appearing in the InfinitePolynomialRing has
+ as derivative the variable "#_{n+1}", i.e., the same name but with
+ one higher index.
+ '''
+ ## Checking the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ if(not ((times in ZZ) and times >=0)):
+ raise ValueError("The argument 'times' must be a non-negative integer");
+ elif(times > 1): # Recursive call
+ return infinite_derivative(infinite_derivative(element, times-1))
+ elif(times == 0): # Empty call
+ return element;
+ ## Call with times = 1
+ try:
+ parent = element.parent();
+ except AttributeError:
+ return 0;
+ ##Simple call: parent is a Fraction Field
+ if(is_FractionField(parent)):
+ parent = parent.base();
+ n = parent(element.numerator()); dn = infinite_derivative(n);
+ d = parent(element.denominator()); dd = infinite_derivative(d);
+ return (n*dd - dn*d)/d**2;
+ ## Simple call: not an InfinitePolynomialRing
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ try:
+ try:
+ return element.derivative(var);
+ except Exception:
+ return element.derivative();
+ except AttributeError:
+ return parent.zero();
+ ## IPR call
+ ## Symbolic case?
+ if(sage.symbolic.ring.is_SymbolicExpressionRing(parent.base())):
+ raise TypeError("Base ring for the InfinitePolynomialRing not valid (found SymbolicRing)");
+ ## Zero case
+ if(element == 0):
+ return 0;
+ ### Monomial case
+ if(element.is_monomial()):
+ ## Case of degree 1 (add one to the index of the variable)
+ if(len(element.variables()) == 1 and element.degree() == 1):
+ g,n = get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, element, True);
+ return r_method(g[n+1]);
+ ## Case of higher degree
+ else:
+ # Computing the variables in the monomial and their degrees (in order)
+ variables = element.variables();
+ degrees = [element.degree(v) for v in variables];
+ variables = [parent(v) for v in variables]
+ ## Computing the common factor
+ com_factor = prod([variables[i]**(degrees[i]-1) for i in range(len(degrees))]);
+ ## Computing the derivative of each variable
+ der_variables = [infinite_derivative(parent(v)) for v in variables];
+ ## Computing the particular part for each summand
+ each_sum = [];
+ for i in range(len(variables)):
+ if(degrees[i] > 0):
+ part_prod = prod([variables[j] for j in range(len(variables)) if j != i]);
+ each_sum += [degrees[i]*infinite_derivative(parent(variables[i]))*part_prod];
+ ## Computing the final result
+ return r_method(com_factor*sum(each_sum));
+ ### Non-monomial case
+ else:
+ coefficients = element.coefficients();
+ monomials = [parent(el) for el in element.monomials()];
+ return r_method(sum([infinite_derivative(coefficients[i])*monomials[i] + coefficients[i]*infinite_derivative(monomials[i]) for i in range(len(monomials))]));
+### Changes from and to InfinitePolynomialRings and MultivariatePolynomialRings
+def fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly):
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(poly.parent())):
+ return poly;
+ gens = poly.variables();
+ base = poly.parent().base();
+ parent = PolynomialRing(base, gens);
+ return parent(str(poly));
+def fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(poly):
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(poly) and (not is_MPolynomialRing(parent))):
+ return poly;
+ names = [str(el) for el in poly.parent().gens()];
+ pos = names[0].rfind("_");
+ if(pos == -1):
+ return poly;
+ prefix = names[0][:pos];
+ if(not all(el.find(prefix) == 0 for el in names)):
+ return poly;
+ R = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), prefix);
+ return R(poly);
+### Methods for computing Diff. Algebraic equations with simpler coefficients
+def diffalg_reduction(poly, _infinite=False, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that recieves a polynomial 'poly' with variables y_0,...,y_m with coefficients in some ring DD(R) and reduce it to a polynomial
+ 'result' with coefficients in R where, for any function f(x) such that poly(f) == 0, result(f) == 0.
+ The algorithm works as follows:
+ 1 - Collect all the coefficients and their derivatives
+ 2 - Perform the simplification to each pair of coefficients
+ 3 - Perform the simplification for the last derivatives of the remaining coefficients --> gens
+ 4 - Build the final derivation matrix for 'gens'
+ 5 - Create a vector v for represent 'poly' w.r.t. 'gens'
+ 6 - Build a square matrix --> M = (v | v' | ... | v^(n))
+ 7 - Return det(M)
+ - poly: a polynomial with variables y_0,...,y_m. Also an infinite polynomial with variable y_* is valid.
+ - _infinite: if True the result polynomial will be an infinite polynomial. Otherwise, a finite variable polynomial will be returned.
+ - _debug: if True, the steps of the algorithm will be printed.
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ### Preprocessing the input poly
+ parent, poly, dR = __check_input(poly, _debug);
+ if(not is_DDRing(dR)):
+ raise TypeError("diffalg_reduction: polynomial is not over a DDRing");
+ R = dR.base();
+ ## Step 1: collecting function and derivatives
+ __dprint("---- DEBUGGING PRINTING FOR diffalg_reduction", _debug);
+ __dprint("R: %s" %R, _debug);
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 1", _debug);
+ coeffs = poly.coefficients(); # List of original coefficients
+ __dprint("Coefficients: %s" %("["+reduce(lambda p,q : p+", "+q, [repr(coeff) for coeff in coeffs])+"]"), _debug);
+ ocoeffs = coeffs; # Extra variable with the same list
+ monomials = poly.monomials(); # List of monomials
+ l_of_derivatives = [[f.derivative(times=i) for i in range(f.getOrder())] for f in coeffs]; # List of derivatives for each coefficient
+ ## Step 2: simplification of coefficients
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 2", _debug);
+ graph = __simplify_coefficients(R, coeffs, l_of_derivatives, _debug);
+ maximal_elements = __digraph_roots(graph, _debug);
+ ## Detecting case: all coefficients are already simpler
+ if(len(maximal_elements) == 1 and maximal_elements[0] == -1 and len(graph.outgoing_edges(-1)) == len(graph.edges())):
+ __dprint("Detected simplicity: returning the same polynomial over the basic ring", _debug);
+ return r_method(InfinitePolynomialRing(R, names=["y"])(poly));
+ # Reducing the considered coefficients
+ coeffs = [coeffs[i] for i in maximal_elements if i != (-1)];
+ l_of_derivatives = [l_of_derivatives[i] for i in maximal_elements if i != (-1)];
+ ## Step 3: simplification with the derivatives
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 3", _debug);
+ drelations = __simplify_derivatives(l_of_derivatives, _debug);
+ ## Building the vector of final generators
+ gens = [];
+ if(-1 in maximal_elements):
+ gens = [1];
+ gens = sum([l_of_derivatives[i][:drelations[i][0]] for i in range(len(coeffs))], gens);
+ S = len(gens);
+ __dprint("Resulting vector of generators: %s" %gens, _debug);
+ ## Step 4: build the derivation matrix
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 4", _debug);
+ C = __build_derivation_matrix(gens, coeffs, drelations, _debug);
+ cR = InfinitePolynomialRing(C.base_ring(), names=["y"]);
+ ## Step 5: build the vector v
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 5", _debug);
+ v = __build_vector(ocoeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug);
+ ## Step 6: build the square matrix M = (v, v',...)
+ __dprint("-- Starting step 6", _debug);
+ __dprint("Computing derivatives from the vector (step 5) using the matrix (step 4)", _debug);
+ derivative = infinite_derivative;
+ M = matrix_of_dMovement(C, v, derivative, S);
+ __dprint("Vector of generators:\n\t%s" %gens, _debug);
+ __dprint("Final matrix (vector in rows):\n\t%s" %(str(M.transpose()).replace('\n', '\n\t')), _debug);
+ __dprint("Returning the determinant", _debug);
+ __dprint("---- DEBUGGING PRINTING FOR diffalg_reduction (finished)", _debug);
+ return r_method(M.determinant());
+### Some private methods for diffalg_reduction
+def __check_input(poly, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that check and cast the polynomial input accordingly to our standards.
+ The element 'poly' must be a polynomial with variables y_0,...,y_m with coefficients in some ring
+ '''
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_MPolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_PolynomialRing(parent)):
+ raise TypeError("__check_input: the input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained something in %s" %parent);
+ if(not str(parent.gens()[0]).startswith("y_")):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), "y");
+ else:
+ gens = list(parent.gens());
+ to_delete = [];
+ for gen in gens:
+ if(str(gen).startswith("y_")):
+ to_delete += [gen];
+ if(len(to_delete) == 0):
+ raise TypeError("__check_input: the input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ for gen in to_delete:
+ gens.remove(gen);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(parent.base(), gens), "y");
+ else:
+ if(parent.ngens() > 1 or repr(parent.gen()) != "y_*"):
+ raise TypeError("__check_input: the input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ poly = parent(poly);
+ dR = parent.base();
+ return (parent, poly, dR);
+def __simplify_coefficients(base, coeffs, derivatives, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that get the relations for the coefficients within their derivatives. The list 'coeffs' is the list to simplify
+ and ;derivatives' is a list of lists with the derivatives of each element of 'coeffs' that we will consider.
+ It returns a pair (graph, relations) where:
+ - graph: a forest of the points of minimal depth with all the relations
+ - relations: a dictionary which tells for each i < j, how the ith coefficient is related with the jth coefficient
+ (see __find_relation to know how that relation is expressed).
+ '''
+ # Checking the input
+ n = len(coeffs);
+ if(len(derivatives) < n):
+ raise ValueError("__simplify_coefficients: error in size of the input 'derivatives'");
+ E = range(n);
+ R = [];
+ # Checking the simplest cases (coeff[i] in R)
+ simpler = [];
+ for i in range(n):
+ if(coeffs[i] in base):
+ if((-1) not in E):
+ E += [-1];
+ R += [(-1,i,(0,0,coeffs[i]))];
+ simpler += [i];
+ __dprint("Simpler coefficiets (related with -1): %s" %simpler, _debug);
+ # Starting the comparison
+ for i in range(n):
+ for j in range(i+1, n):
+ # Checking (i,j)
+ if(not(j in simpler)):
+ rel = __find_relation(coeffs[j], derivatives[i], _debug);
+ if(not(rel is None)):
+ R += [(i,j,rel)];
+ continue;
+ # Checking (j,i)
+ if(not(i in simpler)):
+ rel = __find_relation(coeffs[i], derivatives[j], _debug);
+ if(not(rel is None)):
+ R += [(j,i,rel)];
+ # Checking if the basic case will be used because of the relations
+ if((-1) not in E and any(e[2][1][1] != 0 for e in R)):
+ E += [-1];
+ # Building the graph and returning
+ __dprint("All relations: %s" %R, _debug);
+ graph = DiGraph([E,R]);
+ __dprint("Edges: %s" %graph.edges(), _debug);
+ # Deleting spurious relations and returning
+ return __min_span_tree(graph, _debug);
+def __simplify_derivatives(derivatives, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method to get the relations for the derivatives of the coefficients. The argument 'derivatives' contains a list of lists for which
+ one we will see if the last elements have relations with the firsts.
+ It returns a list of tuples 'res' where 'res[i][0] = k' if the kth fucntion in 'derivatives[i]' is the first element on the list
+ with relations with the previous elements and 'res[i][1]' is the relation found.
+ If no relation is found, a tuple (None,None) is added to the list.
+ '''
+ res = [];
+ for i in range(len(derivatives)):
+ to_add = (None,None);
+ for k in range(len(derivatives[i])-1,0,-1):
+ relation = __find_relation(derivatives[i][k], derivatives[i][:k-1], _debug);
+ if(not (relation is None)):
+ to_add = (k,relation);
+ break;
+ res += [to_add];
+ __dprint("Found relations with derivatives: %s" %res, _debug);
+ return res;
+def __find_relation(g,df, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that get the relation between g and the list df.
+ It returns a tuple (k,res) where:
+ - k: the first index which we found a relation
+ - res: the relation (see __find_linear_relation to see how such relation is expressed).
+ Then the following statement is always True:
+ g == df[k]*res[0] + res[1]
+ '''
+ __dprint("** Checking relations between %s and %s" %(repr(g), df), _debug);
+ for k in range(len(df)):
+ res = __find_linear_relation(g,df[k]);
+ if(not (res is None)):
+ __dprint("Found relation:\n\t(%s) == [%s]*(%s) + [%s]" %(repr(g),repr(res[0]), repr(df[k]), repr(res[1])), _debug);
+ __dprint("*************************", _debug);
+ return (k,res);
+ __dprint("Nothing found\n*************************", _debug);
+ return None;
+def __find_linear_relation(f,g):
+ '''
+ This method receives two DDFunctions and return two constants (c,d) such that f = cg+d.
+ None is return if those constants do not exist.
+ '''
+ if(not (is_DDFunction(f) and is_DDFunction(g))):
+ raise TypeError("find_linear_relation: The functions are not DDFunctions");
+ ## Simplest case: some of the functions are constants is a constant
+ if(f.is_constant):
+ return (f.parent().zero(), f(0));
+ elif(g.is_constant):
+ return None;
+ try:
+ of = 1; og = 1;
+ while(f.getSequenceElement(of) == 0): of += 1;
+ while(g.getSequenceElement(og) == 0): og += 1;
+ if(of == og):
+ c = f.getSequenceElement(of)/g.getSequenceElement(og);
+ d = f(0) - c*g(0);
+ if(f == c*g + d):
+ return (c,d);
+ except Exception:
+ pass;
+ return None;
+def __min_span_tree(digraph, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that computes a forest from a directed graph containing all vertices and having the minimal depth.
+ It is computed with a breadth first search.
+ '''
+ to_search = __digraph_roots(digraph, _debug);
+ i = 0;
+ done = [];
+ edges = [];
+ while(i < len(to_search)):
+ v = to_search[i];
+ if(not (v in done)):
+ for e in digraph.outgoing_edges(v):
+ if(not(e[1] in to_search)):
+ to_search += [e[1]];
+ edges += [e];
+ done += [v];
+ i += 1;
+ return DiGraph([digraph.vertices(),edges]);
+def __digraph_roots(digraph, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that computes the roots of a directed graph. We consider a vertex v to be a root if there
+ are not edges (v,w) in the graph.
+ '''
+ return [v for v in digraph.vertices() if digraph.in_degree(v) == 0];
+def __build_derivation_matrix(gens, coeffs, drelations, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method to build a derivation matrix 'C' for the vector of generators 'gen'.
+ All the information about the coefficients and their relations are given
+ by the arguments 'coeffs' (list of basic elements for 'gens') and
+ 'drelations' (relations between elements in 'coeffs' and the last derivative
+ on 'gens').
+ It could be that gens[0] == 1. This element must be treated in a specific
+ way collecting all the relations on 'drelations'.
+ '''
+ __dprint("Building derivation matrix for %s" %gens, _debug);
+ rows = []; # Variable for the rows of the matrix M
+ constant = (gens[0] == 1); # Flag variable for gens[0] == 1
+ coeff_order = []; # Collecting the real order of each coefficient in the vector space
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ if(drelations[i][0] is None):
+ coeff_order += [coeffs[i].getOrder()];
+ else:
+ coeff_order += [drelations[i][0]];
+ coeff_index = [0]; # Variable for the index of coeff[i] in gens
+ if(constant): coeff_index[0] = 1;
+ for i in range(1, len(coeffs)): coeff_index += [coeff_index[-1]+coeff_order[i-1]];
+ __dprint("Is there constant: %s" %constant, _debug);
+ __dprint("Orders: %s\nIndices: %s" %(coeff_order, coeff_index), _debug);
+ ## Considering the case that gens[0] == -1
+ if(constant):
+ new_row = [0];
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ new_row += [0 for j in range(coeff_order[i])];
+ if(not (drelations[i][1] is None)):
+ new_row[-1] = drelations[i][1][1][1];
+ rows += [new_row];
+ ## Now we loop through all the coefficients in coeffs
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ com = coeffs[i].equation.companion();
+ for j in range(coeff_order[i]):
+ ## Building the jth row for coeff[i]
+ new_row = [0 for k in range(coeff_index[i])]; # First columns for the row
+ ## Middle columns for the row
+ new_row += [com[j][k] for k in range(coeff_order[i]-1)];
+ if((not (drelations[i][0] is None)) and (drelations[i][1][0] == j)):
+ new_row += [drelations[i][1][1][0]];
+ else:
+ new_row += [com[j][coeff_order[i]-1]];
+ new_row += [0 for k in range(coeff_index[i]+coeff_order[i], len(gens))]; # Last columns for the row
+ ## Adding the resulting row
+ rows += [new_row];
+ rows = Matrix(rows);
+ __dprint("** Matrix:\n%s\n*******" %rows, _debug);
+ return rows;
+def __build_vector(coeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ This method builds a vector that represent the polynomial generated by
+ 'coeffs' and 'monomials' using the relations contained in 'graph'
+ and 'drelations' w.r.t. the vector 'gens'.
+ The output vector v satisfies:
+ sum(coeffs[i]*monomials[i]) == sum(v[j]*gens[j])
+ '''
+ # Computing important data for each coefficient
+ maximal_elements = [el for el in __digraph_roots(graph) if el != -1];
+ coeff_order = [];
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ if(i in maximal_elements and (not (drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][0] is None))):
+ coeff_order += [drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][0]];
+ else:
+ coeff_order += [coeffs[i].getOrder()];
+ constant = (-1 in graph.vertices());
+ __dprint("Is there constant: %s" %constant, _debug);
+ # Computing vectors and companion matrices for each element
+ vectors = [vector(cR, [monomials[i]] + [0 for i in range(coeff_order[i]-1)]) for i in range(len(coeffs))];
+ trans = [];
+ for i in range(len(coeffs)):
+ if(i in maximal_elements and (not (drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][0] is None))):
+ relation = drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)];
+ C = [];
+ for j in range(relation[0]):
+ new_row = [el for el in coeffs[i].equation.companion()[j][:relation[0]-1]] + [0];
+ if(j == relation[1][0]):
+ new_row[-1] = relation[1][1][0];
+ C += [new_row];
+ C = Matrix(C);
+ trans += [(drelations[maximal_elements.index(i)][1][1][1], C)];
+ else:
+ trans += [(0, coeffs[i].equation.companion())];
+ if(_debug):
+ print "--- Transitions to nodes:";
+ for i in range(len(trans)):
+ print "+++ %s --> Cosntant: %s; Matrix:\n%s" %(i, trans[i][0], trans[i][1]);
+ print "-------------------------";
+ const_val = 0;
+ # Doing a Tree Transversal in POstorder in the graph to pull up the vectors
+ # Case for -1
+ if(constant):
+ maximal_elements = [-1] + maximal_elements;
+ # const_val = sum(cR(coeffs[e[1]])*monomials[coeffs[e[1]]] for e in graph.outgoing_edges(-1));
+ stack = copy(maximal_elements); stack.reverse();
+ # Rest of the graph
+ ready = [];
+ while(len(stack) > 0):
+ current = stack[-1];
+ if(current in ready):
+ __dprint("Visiting node %s" %current, _debug);
+ if(not (current in maximal_elements)):
+ # Visit the node: pull-up the vector
+ edge = graph.incoming_edges(current)[0];
+ cu_vector = vectors[current];
+ ## Constant case; reducing to the constant term
+ if(edge[0] == -1):
+ __dprint("** Reducing node %d to constant" %(current), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Current vector: %s" %(cu_vector), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Prev. constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ const_val += sum(cu_vector[i]*cR(coeffs[current].derivative(times=i)) for i in range(len(cu_vector)));
+ __dprint("\t- New constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ ## General case
+ else:
+ de_vector = vectors[edge[0]];
+ relation = edge[2];
+ C = trans[edge[0]][1];
+ __dprint("** Reducing node %d to %d" %(current, edge[0]), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Current vector: %s" %(cu_vector), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Destiny vector: %s" %(de_vector), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Relation: %s" %(str(relation)), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Matrix:\n\t\t%s" %(str(C).replace('\n','\n\t\t')), _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- Prev. constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ # Building vectors for all the required derivatives
+ ivectors = [vector(cR, [0 for i in range(relation[0])] + [1] + [0 for i in range(relation[0]+1,coeff_order[edge[0]])])];
+ extra_cons = [relation[1][1]];
+ for i in range(len(cu_vector)):
+ extra_cons += [ivectors[-1][-1]*trans[edge[0]][0]];
+ ivectors += [differential_movement(C, ivectors[-1], infinite_derivative)];
+ vectors[edge[0]] = sum([vector(cR,[cu_vector[i]*ivectors[i][j] for j in range(len(ivectors[i]))]) for i in range(len(cu_vector))], de_vector);
+ const_val += sum([cu_vector[i]*extra_cons[i] for i in range(len(cu_vector))]);
+ __dprint("\t- New vector: %s" %vectors[edge[0]], _debug);
+ __dprint("\t- New constant: %s" %const_val, _debug);
+ __dprint("*************************", _debug);
+ # Getting out the element of the stack
+ stack.pop();
+ else:
+ # Add the children and visit them
+ ready += [current];
+ for e in graph.outgoing_edges(current):
+ stack.append(e[1]);
+ final_vector = [];
+ for i in maximal_elements:
+ if(i == -1):
+ final_vector += [const_val];
+ else:
+ final_vector += [el for el in vectors[i]];
+ final_vector = vector(cR, final_vector);
+ __dprint("Vector: %s" %final_vector, _debug);
+ return vector(final_vector);
+def toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below(poly, _infinite=False, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that receives a polynomial with variables y_0,...,y_m with coefficients in some ring DD(R) and reduce it to a polynomial
+ with coefficients in R.
+ The optional input '_debug' allow the user to print extra information as the matrix that the determinant is computed.
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ### Preprocessing the input
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_MPolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_PolynomialRing(parent)):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained something in %s" %parent);
+ if(not str(parent.gens()[0]).startswith("y_")):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), "y");
+ else:
+ gens = list(parent.gens());
+ to_delete = [];
+ for gen in gens:
+ if(str(gen).startswith("y_")):
+ to_delete += [gen];
+ if(len(to_delete) == 0):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ for gen in to_delete:
+ gens.remove(gen);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(parent.base(), gens), "y");
+ else:
+ if(parent.ngens() > 1 or repr(parent.gen()) != "y_*"):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ poly = parent(poly);
+ ### Now poly is in a InfinitePolynomialRing with one generator "y_*" and some base ring.
+ if(not isinstance(parent.base(), DDRing)):
+ print "The base ring is not a DDRing. Returning the original polynomial (reached the bottom)";
+ return r_method(poly);
+ up_ddring = parent.base()
+ dw_ddring = up_ddring.base();
+ goal_ring = InfinitePolynomialRing(dw_ddring, "y");
+ coefficients = poly.coefficients();
+ monomials = poly.monomials();
+ ## Arraging the coefficients and organize the vector-space notation
+ dict_to_derivatives = {};
+ dict_to_vectors = {};
+ S = 0;
+ for i in range(len(coefficients)):
+ coeff = coefficients[i]; monomial = goal_ring(str(monomials[i]));
+ if(coeff in dw_ddring):
+ if(1 not in dict_to_vectors):
+ S += 1;
+ dict_to_vectors[1] = goal_ring.zero();
+ dict_to_vectors[1] += dw_ddring(coeff)*monomial;
+ else:
+ used = False;
+ for el in dict_to_derivatives:
+ try:
+ index = dict_to_derivatives[el].index(coeff);
+ dict_to_vectors[el][index] += monomial;
+ used = True;
+ break;
+ except ValueError:
+ pass;
+ if(not used):
+ list_of_derivatives = [coeff];
+ for j in range(coeff.getOrder()-1):
+ list_of_derivatives += [list_of_derivatives[-1].derivative()];
+ dict_to_derivatives[coeff] = list_of_derivatives;
+ dict_to_vectors[coeff] = [monomial] + [0 for j in range(coeff.getOrder()-1)];
+ S += coeff.getOrder();
+ rows = [];
+ for el in dict_to_vectors:
+ if(el == 1):
+ row = [dict_to_vectors[el]];
+ for i in range(S-1):
+ row += [infinite_derivative(row[-1])];
+ rows += [row];
+ else:
+ C = el.equation.companion();
+ C = Matrix(goal_ring.base(),[[goal_ring.base()(row_el) for row_el in row] for row in C]);
+ rows += [row for row in matrix_of_dMovement(C, vector(goal_ring, dict_to_vectors[el]), infinite_derivative, S)];
+ M = Matrix(rows);
+ if(_debug): print M;
+ return r_method(M.determinant().numerator());
+def diff_to_diffalg(func, _infinite=False, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ Method that compute an differentially algebraic equation for the obect func.
+ This objet may be any element in QQ(x) or an element in some DDRing. In the first case
+ the equation returned is the simple "y_0 - func". In the latter, we compute the differential
+ equation using the linear differential representation of the obect.
+ The result is always a polynomial with variables "y_*" where the number in the index
+ represent the derivative.
+ The optional argument _debug allows the user to see during execution more data of the computation.
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ## Computations
+ try:
+ parent = func.parent();
+ except AttributeError:
+ return r_method(PolynomialRing(QQ,"y_0")("y_0 + %s" %func));
+ if(isinstance(parent, DDRing)):
+ R = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), "y");
+ p = sum([R("y_%d" %i)*func[i] for i in range(func.getOrder()+1)], R.zero());
+ for i in range(parent.depth()-1):
+ p = toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below(p, _infinite=True, _debug=_debug);
+ return r_method(p);
+ else:
+ R = PolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(QQ,x).fraction_field, "y_0");
+ return r_method(R.gens()[0] - func);
+### Methods for computing Diff. Algebraic equation for inverses
+### - Multiplicative inverse from DA equation
+### - Functional inverse from Dn-finite equation
+def inverse_DA(poly, vars=None, _infinite=False):
+ '''
+ Method that computes the DA equation for the multiplicative inverse
+ of the solutions of a DA equation.
+ We assume that the variables given by vars are the variables representing
+ the solution, namely vars[i+1] = vars[i].derivative().
+ If vars is not provided, we take all the variables from the polynomial
+ that is given.
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ## Checking that poly is a polynomial
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(is_FractionField(parent)):
+ parent = parent.base();
+ if(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ poly = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly);
+ return inverse_DA(poly, vars, _infinite=_infinite);
+ if(not (is_PolynomialRing(parent) or is_MPolynomialRing(parent))):
+ raise TypeError("No polynomial is given");
+ poly = parent(poly);
+ ## Getting the list of variables
+ if(vars is None):
+ g = list(poly.parent().gens()); g.reverse();
+ else:
+ if(any(v not in poly.parent().gens())):
+ raise TypeError("The variables given are not in the polynomial ring");
+ g = vars;
+ ## Computing the derivative of the inverse using Faa di Bruno's formula
+ derivatives = [1/g[0]] + [sum((falling_factorial(-1, k)/g[0]**(k+1))*bell_polynomial(n,k)(*g[1:n-k+2]) for k in range(1,n+1)) for n in range(1,len(g
+ ## Computing the final equation
+ return r_method(poly(**{str(g[i]): derivatives[i] for i in range(len(g))}).numerator());
+def func_inverse_DA(func, _inifnite=False, _debug=False):
+ '''
+ TODO: Add documentation
+ '''
+ ## Processing the input _infinite
+ if(_infinite):
+ r_method = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial;
+ else:
+ r_method = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial;
+ ## Computations
+ equation = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(diff_to_diffalg(func, _debug=_debug));
+ if(_debug): print equation;
+ parent = equation.parent();
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ n = len(equation.variables());
+ quot = [FaaDiBruno_polynomials(i, parent)[0]/FaaDiBruno_polynomials(i,parent)[1] for i in range(n)];
+ coeffs = [el(**{str(parent.base().gens()[0]) : y[0]}) for el in equation.coefficients()];
+ monomials = [el(**{str(y[j]) : quot[j] for j in range(n)}) for el in equation.monomials()];
+ if(_debug):
+ print monomials;
+ print coeffs;
+ sol = sum(monomials[i]*coeffs[i] for i in range(len(monomials)));
+ if(_debug): print sol;
+ if(hasattr(sol, "numerator")):
+ return parent(sol.numerator());
+ return r_method(parent(sol));
+### Methods for compute Dn-finite equations from DA-equations
+def guess_Dnfinite(poly, init):
+ ## TODO: Method not public
+ res = guess_homogeneous_DNfinite(poly, init);
+ if(is_DDFunction(res)):
+ return res;
+ return guess_DA_DDfinite(poly, init);
+def guess_DA_DDfinite(poly, init=[], bS=None, bd = None, all=True):
+ '''
+ Method that tries to compute a DD-finite differential equation
+ for a DA-function with constant coefficients.
+ It just tries all the possibilities. It uses the Composition class
+ to get the possibilities of the orders for the coefficients.
+ - poly: polynomial with the differential equation we want to mimic with DD-finite elements
+ - init: initial values of the solution of poly
+ - bS: bound to the sum of orders in the DD-finite equation
+ - db: bound to the order of the DD-finite equation
+ - all: compute all the posibles equations
+ '''
+ poly = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly);
+ if(not poly.is_homogeneous()):
+ raise TypeError("We require a homogeneous polynomial");
+ if(bS is None):
+ S = poly.degree();
+ else:
+ S = bS;
+ if(bd is None):
+ d = S - poly.parent().ngens() + 2;
+ else:
+ d = bd;
+ compositions = Compositions(S, length = d+1);
+ coeffs = [["a_%d_%d" %(i,j) for j in range(S)] for i in range(d+1)];
+ cInit = [["i_%d_%d" %(i,j) for j in range(S-1)] for i in range(d+1)];
+ R = ParametrizedDDRing(DFinite, sum(coeffs, [])+sum(cInit,[]));
+ R2 = R.to_depth(2);
+ coeffs = [[R.parameter(coeffs[i][j]) for j in range(S)] for i in range(d+1)];
+ cInit = [[R.parameter(cInit[i][j]) for j in range(S-1)] for i in range(d+1)];
+ sols = [];
+ for c in compositions:
+ ## Building the parametrized guess
+ e = [R.element([coeffs[i][j] for j in range(c[i])] + [1],cInit[i]) for i in range(d+1)];
+ f = R2.element(e);
+ if(len(init) > 0):
+ try:
+ f = f.change_init_values([init[i] for i in range(min(len(init), f.equation.jp_value+1))]);
+ except ValueError:
+ continue;
+ ## Computing the DA equation
+ poly2 = diff_to_diffalg(f);
+ ###############################################
+ ### Comparing the algebraic equations
+ ## Getting a possible constant difference
+ m = poly.monomials();
+ m2 = poly2.monomials();
+ eqs = [];
+ C = None;
+ for mon in m2:
+ c2 = poly2.coefficient(mon);
+ if(poly2.parent().base()(poly2.coefficient(mon)).is_constant()):
+ C = poly.coefficient(poly.parent()(mon))/c2;
+ break;
+ if(C is None):
+ C = 1;
+ elif(C == 0):
+ continue;
+ ### Building all equations from the algebraic equation
+ for mon in m2:
+ c2 = poly2.coefficient(mon); c = poly.coefficient(poly.parent()(mon));
+ eqs += [C*c2 - c];
+ ##################################################
+ ### Comparing the initial values
+ for i in range(min(len(init), f.equation.jp_value+1),len(init)):
+ try:
+ eqs += [f.getInitialValue(i) - init[i]];
+ except TypeError:
+ break; ## Case when no initial value can be computed
+ ##################################################
+ ### Solving the system (groebner basis)
+ P = R.base_field.base();
+ fEqs = [];
+ for el in eqs:
+ if(el.parent().is_field()):
+ fEqs += [P(str(el.numerator()))];
+ else:
+ fEqs += [P(str(el))];
+ gb = ideal(fEqs).groebner_basis();
+ if(1 not in gb):
+ sols += [(f,gb)];
+ if(not all):
+ break;
+ if(len(sols) > 0 and not all):
+ return sols[0];
+ return sols;
+def guess_homogeneous_DNfinite(poly, init):
+ '''
+ Method that tries to compute a Dn-finite differential equation
+ for a DA-function defined from an homogeneous equation.
+ This method simplifies the equation supposing that the solution
+ is of the form y(x) = exp(int(u(x))), getting a differential equation
+ for u(x) of less order.
+ If we end up with a linear equation, then we can return a Dn-finite function
+ where n depends on how many iterations we needed.
+ If the final algebraic equation is not linear, then we return this
+ last equation together with the number of iterations done.
+ - poly: polynomial with the differential equation we want to mimic with DD-finite elements
+ - init: initial values of the solution of poly (must be enough).
+ '''
+ new_poly, depth = simplify_homogeneous(poly);
+ parent = new_poly.parent(); base = parent.base(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ order = max(get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, v, True)[1] for v in new_poly.variables());
+ if(new_poly.degree() == 1 and new_poly.is_homogeneous()): ## We can build something
+ coeffs = [];
+ for i in range(order+1):
+ if(y[i] in new_poly.variables()):
+ coeffs += new_poly.coefficients()[new_poly.monomials().index(y[i])];
+ else:
+ coeffs += [0];
+ inhom = new_poly.constant_coefficient();
+ if(is_DDRing(base)):
+ base_field = base.base_field;
+ base = base.to_depth(base.depth()+1);
+ else:
+ base_field = base.fraction_field();
+ base = DDRing(PolynomialRing(base_field, 'x'));
+ ## We can build a D(depth+1)-finite function
+ deep_init = build_initial_from_homogeneous(tuple(init), order, depth, base_field);
+ res = base.element(coeffs, deep_init, inhomogeneous=inhom);
+ for i in range(depth):
+ res = Exp(res.integrate(0));
+ return res;
+ else:
+ return (new_poly, depth);
+def build_initial_from_homogeneous(init, n, depth, base):
+ ## Checking we have enough data
+ if(len(init) < n+depth):
+ raise TypeError("Not enought initial data was provided (required %d)" %(n+depth));
+ elif(len(init) > n+depth):
+ return build_initial_from_homogeneous(tuple(list(init)[:n+depth]), n, depth, base);
+ ## Base case with depth = 0
+ if(depth == 0):
+ return init[:n];
+ ## Casting the input to the desired ring
+ init = [base(el) for el in init];
+ ## Checking the initial condition init[0]
+ if(init[0] == 0):
+ raise ValueError("Initial condition is zero. Impossible to compute a solution of the form e(int(u(x)))");
+ ## Computing the initial conditions for depth "depth-1"
+ new_init = [init[1]/init[0]];
+ parent = Exponential_polynomials(1,base).parent(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ for i in range(1,n+depth-1):
+ poly = fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(-(Exponential_polynomials(i+1, parent) - y[i]));
+ new_init += [base(poly(**{str(y[j]) : new_init[j] for j in range(i)})) + init[i+1]/init[0]];
+ ## Returning the recurive call with one less depth
+ return build_initial_from_homogeneous(tuple(new_init), n, depth-1, base);
+def simplify_homogeneous(poly, _stop_linear=True):
+ '''
+ Given an homogeneous differential polynomial 'poly', we reduce the order of the equation by 1
+ using the change of variables y(x) = exp(int(u(x))).
+ This leads to a differentially algebraic equation of order 1 less than 'poly'. If we obtain a
+ new homogeneous equation, we can iterate. The return of this function is this final result toether
+ with the number of steps performed.
+ '''
+ poly = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(poly);
+ parent = poly.parent(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(not(poly.is_homogeneous()) or (_stop_linear and poly.degree() == 1)):
+ return (poly,0);
+ d = {str(y[0]) : parent.one()};
+ for v in poly.variables():
+ if(v != y[0]):
+ d[str(v)] = Exponential_polynomials(get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, v, True)[1], parent);
+ new_poly = poly(**d);
+ result,n = simplify_homogeneous(new_poly);
+ return (result, n+1);
+### Polynomial functions
+def FaaDiBruno_polynomials(n, parent):
+ if(n < 0):
+ raise ValueError("No Faa Di Bruno polynomial can be computed for negative index");
+ elif(not(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent))):
+ if((not(is_PolynomialRing(parent))) and (not(is_MPolynomialRing(parent)))):
+ raise TypeError("The parent ring is not valid: needed polynomial rings or InfinitePolynomialRing");
+ return FaaDiBruno_polynomials(n, InfinitePolynomialRing(parent, "y"));
+ if(parent.base().ngens() == 0 or parent.base().gens()[0] == 1):
+ raise TypeError("Needed a inner variable in the coefficient ring");
+ x = parent.base().gens()[0];
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(n == 0):
+ return (parent(parent.base().gens()[0]), parent.one());
+ if(n == 1):
+ return (parent.one(), y[1]);
+ else:
+ prev = [FaaDiBruno_polynomials(k, parent) for k in range(n)];
+ ele = -sum(prev[k][0]*bell_polynomial(n,k)(**{"x%d" %i : y[i+1] for i in range(n-k+1)})/prev[k][1] for k in range(1,n))/(y[1]**n);
+ return (ele.numerator(), ele.denominator());
+def Exponential_polynomials(n, parent):
+ if(n <= 0):
+ raise ValueError("No Exponential polynomial can be computed for non-positive index");
+ elif(not(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent))):
+ return Exponential_polynomials(n, InfinitePolynomialRing(parent, "y"));
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(n == 1):
+ return y[0];
+ else:
+ prev = Exponential_polynomials(n-1,parent);
+ return infinite_derivative(prev) + y[0]*prev;
+def Logarithmic_polynomials(n, parent):
+ if(n < 0):
+ raise ValueError("No Logarithmic polynomial can be computed for non-positive index");
+ elif(not(is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent))):
+ return Logarithmic_polynomials(n, InfinitePolynomialRing(parent, "y"));
+ y = parent.gens()[0];
+ if(n == 0):
+ return y[1]/y[0];
+ else:
+ return infinite_derivative(Logarithmic_polynomials(n-1, parent));
+def is_Riccati(poly):
+ '''
+ Method that checks if a non-linear differential equation is of Riccatti type
+ and returns the change of coordinates and the linear differential equation in case
+ we can.
+ '''
+ poly = fromFinitePolynomial_toInfinitePolynomial(poly);
+ parent = poly.parent(); y = parent.gens()[0];
+ var = poly.variables(); index = [get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, v, True) for v in var];
+ to_plug = [Logarithmic_polynomials(i, parent) for i in index];
+ new_poly = poly(**{str(var[i]): to_plug[i] for i in range(len(var))});
+ if(new_poly.degree() <= 1):
+ return new_poly, y[1]/y[0];
+ return None;
+### Private functions
+def __dprint(obj, _debug):
+ if(_debug): print obj;
+__all__ = ["is_InfinitePolynomialRing", "get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen", "infinite_derivative", "diffalg_reduction", "toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below", "diff_to_diffalg", "inverse_DA", "func_inverse_DA", "guess_DA_DDfinite", "guess_homogeneous_DNfinite", "FaaDiBruno_polynomials", "Exponential_polynomials", "Logarithmic_polynomials", "is_Riccati"];
+# Extra functions for debugging
+def simplify_coefficients(base, coeffs, derivatives, _debug=True):
+ return __simplify_coefficients(base,coeffs,derivatives,_debug);
+def simplify_derivatives(derivatives, _debug=True):
+ return __simplify_derivatives(derivatives, _debug);
+def find_relation(g,df, _debug=True):
+ return __find_relation(g,df,_debug);
+def find_linear_relation(f,g):
+ return __find_linear_relation(g,df);
+def build_derivation_matrix(gens, coeffs, drelations, _debug=True):
+ return __build_derivation_matrix(gens, coeffs, drelations, _debug);
+def build_vector(coeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug=True):
+ return __build_vector(coeffs, monomials, graph, drelations, cR, _debug);
+__all__ += ["simplify_coefficients", "simplify_derivatives", "find_relation", "find_linear_relation", "build_derivation_matrix", "build_vector"];