from ajpastor.dd_functions.ddFunction import *;
from ajpastor.misc.dinamic_string import *;
-#from ajpastor.dd_functions.ddParametrizedFunction import *;
## Global variables (PUBLIC)
DFinite_examples = {};
DFinite_examples['sinh'] = sh;
DFinite_examples['cosh'] = ch;
P = DFiniteP.parameters()[_sage_const_0 ];
- DFinite_examples['bessel'] = DFiniteP.element([x**_sage_const_2 -P**_sage_const_2 ,x,x**_sage_const_2 ], name=DinamicString("bessel_J(_1,_2)", ["P","x"]));
+ DFinite_examples['bessel'] = DFiniteP.element([x**2-P**2,x,x**2], name=DinamicString("bessel_J(_1,_2)", ["P","x"]));
+ DFinite_examples['struve'] = DFiniteP.element([(1-P)*x**2+P**2*(P+1),x*(x**2-P**2-P),(2-P)*x**2,x**3], name=DinamicString("pi*struve_H(_1,_2)", ["P","x"]));
DFinite_examples['legendre'] = DFiniteP.element([P*(P+_sage_const_1 ), -_sage_const_2 *x,_sage_const_1 -x**_sage_const_2 ], name=DinamicString("legendre_P(_1,_2)", ["P","x"]));
DFinite_examples['chebyshev1'] = DFiniteP.element([P**_sage_const_2 ,-x,(_sage_const_1 -x**_sage_const_2 )], name=DinamicString("chebyshev_T(_1,_2)", ["P","x"]));
DFinite_examples['chebyshev2'] = DFiniteP.element([P*(P+_sage_const_2 ),-_sage_const_3 *x,_sage_const_1 -x**_sage_const_2 ], name=DinamicString("chebyshev_U(_1,_2)", ["P","x"]));
### Struve's functions
-def StruveD(mu,kind=1):
- raise NotImplementedError("Struve functions not yet implemented");
+def StruveD(mu=None,kind=1):
+ _sage_const_1 = ZZ(1); _sage_const_2 = ZZ(2); _sage_const_3 = ZZ(3);
if(kind != 1):
raise TypeError("Only struve_H functions are implemented");
+ f = DFinite_examples['struve'];
+ if(mu is None):
+ return f;
elif((mu < 0) or (mu not in ZZ)):
raise TypeError("Parameter must be greater or equal to -1 to have a power series (got %d)" %mu);
+ P = f.parent().parameters()[0];
+ num = factorial(mu+_sage_const_1)*pi*(_sage_const_1/_sage_const_2)**(mu+_sage_const_1);
+ den = gamma(_sage_const_3/_sage_const_2)*gamma(mu+_sage_const_3/_sage_const_2);
+ val = QQ(num/den);
+ print num,den,val;
- name=DinamicString("(%s)*struve_H(%s,_1)" %((1/(struve_H(mu,x).derivative(mu+1)(x=0))),mu), ["x"]);
- init = [0 for i in range(mu+1)] + [1];
- return DFinite.element([x**2*(1-mu)-mu**2,x*(x**2-mu**2-mu),-(mu-2)*x**2,x**3], init, name=name);
+ f = f(P=mu);
+ f = f.change_init_values([0 for i in range(mu+1)] + [val], name=f._DDFunction__name);
+ return f;
### Parabolic Cylinder Functions
rc = destiny_ring.parameters()[0];
return destiny_ring.element([(rc+rb*x+ra*x**2),0,1], init, name=DinamicString("ParabolicCylinder(_1,_2,_3;_4)", [repr(ra), repr(rb), repr(rc), "x"]));
+## Elliptic integrals
+## Legendre elliptic integrals
+def EllipticLegendreD(kind,var='phi'):
+ if(kind not in [0,1,2]):
+ raise ValueError("The kind of legendre elliptic integral is not valid. Required 0,1 or 2");
+ if(str(var) not in ['m','phi']):
+ raise ValueError("The variable for taking the equation must be 'm' or 'phi'");
+ var = str(var);
+ if(var == 'm'):
+ if(kind == 1):
+ name = DinamicString("(2/pi)*elliptic_f(pi/2,_1)", ["x"]);
+ return DFinite.elemetn([-x,(1-3*x**2), x*(1-x**2)],[1], name=name);
+ elif(kind == 2):
+ name = DinamicString("(2/pi)*elliptic_e(pi/2,_1)", ["x"]);
+ return DFinite.elemetn([x,(1-x**2), x*(1-x**2)],[1], name=name);
+ else:
+ return (EllipticLegendreD(1,var)-EllipticLegendreD(2,var))/x**2;
+ if(var == 'phi'):
+ DDFiniteP = DFiniteP.to_depth(2);
+ P = DDFiniteP.parameters()[0];
+ s = DFiniteP(Sin(x));
+ c = DFiniteP(Cos(x));
+ if(kind == 1):
+ name = DinamicString("(2/pi)*elliptic_f(_2,_1)", [repr(P),"x"]);
+ return DDFiniteP.element([0,-P**2*s*c,1-P**2*s**2], [0,1], name=name);
+ elif(kind == 2):
+ name = DinamicString("(2/pi)*elliptic_e(_2,_1)", [repr(P),"x"]);
+ return DDFiniteP.element([0,P**2*s*c,1-P**2*s**2], [0,1], name=name);
+ else:
+ return (EllipticLegendreD(1,var)-EllipticLegendreD(2,var))/P**2;