cout << "Found prime-factors: " << (a-b)/2 << " and " << ((a+b-2)/2) << endl;
+int xGCD(long a, long b, long &x, long &y) {
+ if(b == 0) {
+ x = 1;
+ y = 0;
+ return a;
+ }
+ long x1, y1, gcd = xGCD(b, a % b, x1, y1);
+ x = y1;
+ y = x1 - (a / b) * y1;
+ return gcd;
+void tonelli(long a, long g, long p)
+ long locpm1 = p-1;
+ long s=0, t=0;
+ long tmp, gi;
+ long u,v;
+ while((locpm1 % 2) == 0)
+ {
+ s++;
+ locpm1 /= 2;
+ }
+ t = locpm1;
+ cout << "Express p-1 = " << p-1 << " as 2^" << s << "*" << t << endl;
+ unsigned long* e = new unsigned long[s];
+ e[0] = 0;
+ xGCD(g,p,u,v);
+ gi = fmod(u,p)+p;
+ cout << "So far we got: t=" << t << " and s=" << 2 << " and gi=" << gi << endl;
+ for(long i=1;i<s;i++)
+ {
+ tmp = a*pow(gi,e[i-1]);
+ cout << "tmp: " << tmp << endl;
+ tmp = pow(tmp,(p-1)/pow(2,i+1));
+ cout << "tmp: " << tmp << endl;
+ if(fmod(tmp,p) != 1)
+ e[i] = pow(2,i)+e[i-1];
+ else
+ e[i] = e[i-1];
+ }
+ cout << "we got e:" << e[0] << " and " << e[1] << endl;
+ tmp = fmod(a*pow(gi,e[s-1]), p);
+ cout << "tmp: " << tmp << endl;
+ tmp = fmod(g*pow(tmp,(t+1)/2),p);
+ cout << "tmp: " << tmp << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc == 1)
cout << "What do you want to do..." << endl;
cout << "Algorithm A: Trial division" << endl;
cout << "Algorithm C: Fermat like factorization" << endl;
+ cout << "Algorithm D: Tonelli's Algorithm" << endl;
cin >> input;
cout << endl;
- }while((input != 'A') && (input != 'C') );
+ }while((input != 'A') && (input != 'C') && (input != 'D') );
+ case 'D':
+ {
+ cout << "Algorithm of Tonelli" << endl;
+ tonelli(10,2,13);
+ break;
+ }