from sage.all_cmdline import * # import sage library
+from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import is_PolynomialRing;
+from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring import is_MPolynomialRing;
+from ajpastor.dd_functions.ddFunction import *;
+from sage.rings.polynomial.infinite_polynomial_ring import InfinitePolynomialRing;
+from ajpastor.misc.matrix import matrix_of_dMovement;
### Second approach: use an infinite polynomial field
def infinite_derivative(element, times=1):
if(times in ZZ and times > 1):
return infinite_derivative(infinite_derivative(element, times-1))
- if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(element.parent())):
+ try:
+ parent = element.parent();
+ except AttributeError:
+ return 0;
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
return element.derivative();
except AttributeError:
- return element.parent().zero();
+ return;
if(len(element.variables()) == 1):
- parent = element.parent()
return parent(repr(parent.gen()).replace("*", str(int(str(element).split("_")[-1])+1)));
degrees = element.degrees();
- variables = element.variables();
- part = prod(variables[i]^(degrees[i]-1) for i in range(len(degrees)));
+ variables = [parent("y_%d" %i) for i in range(len(degrees))]; variables.reverse();
+ print degrees;
+ print variables;
+ part = prod(variables[i]**(degrees[i]-1) for i in range(len(degrees)));
return sum([degrees[i]*infinite_derivative(variables[i])*prod(variables[j] for j in range(len(variables)) if i != j) for i in range(len(variables))]);
coefficients = element.coefficients();
monomials = element.monomials();
- return sum([coefficients[i].derivative()*monomials[i] + coefficients[i]*infinite_derivative(monomials[i]) for i in range(len(monomials))]);
-### Special cases for diff_to_diffalg
-## Polynomial in x case
-def diff_to_diffalg_poly(func):
- base, is_x = __get_base_field(func.parent());
- final_ring = PolynomialRing(base, ["x", "y0"], order='deglex');
- x = final_ring.gens()[0];
- y = final_ring.gens()[1];
- return y - final_ring(func);
+ return sum([coefficients[i].derivative()*monomials[i] + coefficients[i]*infinite_derivative(parent(monomials[i])) for i in range(len(monomials))]);
-## D-finite case
-def diff_to_diffalg_dfinite(func):
- if(not (isinstance(func.parent(), DDRing) and func.parent().depth()==1)):
- raise TypeError("diff_to_diffalg_dfinite called with a non-dfinite function");
- if(func.is_constant):
- return diff_to_diffalg(func(0));
- order = func.getOrder();
- base, is_x = __get_base_field(func.parent().base());
- name_vars = [];
- if(is_x):
- name_vars += ["x"];
- name_vars += ["y%d" %i for i in range(order+1)];
- final_ring = PolynomialRing(base, name_vars, order='deglex');
- if(is_x):
- x = final_ring.gens()[0];
- y = final_ring.gens()[1:];
- else:
- y = final_ring.gens();
+def fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly):
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(poly.parent())):
+ return poly;
- return sum(y[i]*final_ring(func.equation[i]) for i in range(order+1));
+ gens = poly.variables();
+ base = poly.parent().base();
-## DD-finite case
-def diff_to_diffalg_ddfinite(func):
- if(not (isinstance(func.parent(), DDRing) and func.parent().depth()==2)):
- raise TypeError("diff_to_diffalg_ddfinite called with a non-ddfinite function");
+ parent = PolynomialRing(base, gens);
+ return parent(str(poly));
- base, is_x = __get_base_field(func.parent().base().base());
- polys = [diff_to_diffalg(coeff) for coeff in func.equation.getCoefficients()];
- orders = [coeff.getOrder() for coeff in func.equation.getCoefficients()];
- S = sum(orders);
- name_vars = ["y%d" %i for i in range(S+func.getOrder())];
- if(is_x):
- name_vars = ["x"] + name_vars;
- final_ring = PolynomialRing(base, name_vars, order='deglex');
- x = None;
- if(is_x):
- x = final_ring.gens()[0];
- y = final_ring.gens()[1:];
+def toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below(poly):
+ '''
+ Method that receives a polynomial with variables y_0,...,y_m with coefficients in some ring DD(R) and reduce it to a polynomial
+ with coefficients in R.
+ '''
+ ### Preprocessing the input
+ parent = poly.parent();
+ if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_MPolynomialRing(parent)):
+ if(not is_PolynomialRing(parent)):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained something in %s" %parent);
+ if(not str(parent.gens()[0]).startswith("y_")):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), "y");
+ else:
+ gens = list(parent.gens());
+ to_delete = [];
+ for gen in gens:
+ if(str(gen).startswith("y_")):
+ to_delete += [gen];
+ if(len(to_delete) == 0):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ for gen in to_delete:
+ gens.remove(gen);
+ parent = InfinitePolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(parent.base(), gens), "y");
- y = final_ring.gens();
- first_row = [];
- for i in range(len(orders)):
- if(func.equation[i].getOrder() > 1 or polys[i].degree() > 1):
- first_row += [[] + [ for j in range(1,orders[i])]];
- first_row += [];
- rows = [first_row];
+ if(parent.ngens() > 1 or repr(parent.gen()) != "y_*"):
+ raise TypeError("The input is not a valid polynomial. Obtained %s but wanted something with variables y_*" %poly);
+ poly = parent(poly);
- for i in range(S):
- # Each element is r[-1][a]'+r[-1][a-1]+r[-1][-1]*eq
- # Part: r[-1][a]'
- new_row = [[__get_derivative(el, [],[],y,x) for el in list] for list in rows[-1][:-1]] + [__get_derivative(rows[-1][-1], [],[],y,x)];
- # Part: r[-1][a-1]
- for i in range(len(rows[:-1])):
- for j in range(1, len(rows[-1][:-1][i])):
- new_row[i][j] += rows[-1][i][j-1];
- # Part: r[-1][-1]*eq
- for i in range(len(new_row)-1):
- for j in range(len(new_row[i])):
- coeff = polys[i].coefficient({y[-1]:1});
- new_row[i][j] -= polys[i].coefficient({y[j]:1})/coeff;
- new_row[-1] -= polys[i].coefficients()[-1]/coeff;
- dens = sum([[el.denominator() for el in list] for list in new_row[:-1]],[]);
- dens += [new_row[-1].denominator()];
- new_lcm = lcm(dens);
- fin_new_row = [[new_lcm*el for el in list] for list in new_row[:-1]];
- fin_new_row += [new_lcm*new_row[-1]];
- rows += [fin_new_row];
- mat = [sum(rows[i][:-1], []) + [rows[i][-1]] for i in range(len(rows))];
- M = Matrix(mat);
- return M.determinant();
-def diff_to_diffalg(func):
- ## Particular imports for this method
- from sage.categories.pushout import pushout;
- ## Dificult case: diff. definable function
- if(isinstance(func, DDRing.Element)):
- order = func.getOrder();
- base = func.parent().base();
- ########################################################################
- ## Recursive-case
- if(func.parent().depth() > 2):
- # Main recursive step
- coeff_poly = [diff_to_diffalg(coeff) for coeff in func.equation.getCoefficients()];
- # Building some data for getting the final polynomial ring
- base = reduce(pushout, [poly.parent().base() for poly in coeff_poly]);
- coeff_order = [];
- is_x = False;
- for i in range(order+1):
- try:
- ## Case x in poly.parent()
- coeff_poly[i].parent()('x');
- coeff_order += [coeff_poly[i].parent().ngens()-2];
- is_x = True;
- except:
- coeff_order += [coeff_poly[i].parent().ngens()-1];
- # Getting the variables needed for the middle step
- name_vars = ["z%d_%d" %(i,j) for i in range(order+1) for j in range(coeff_order[i],-1,-1)];
- if(is_x):
- name_vars += ["x"];
- exe = 0;
- eqs = [];
- while(True):
- max_order = 1+exe;#max(coeff_order)+exe;
- # Building the middle polynomial ring
- mon_order = [TermOrder('deglex', coeff_order[i]+1) for i in range(order+1)];
- if(is_x):
- mon_order += [TermOrder('deglex', 1)];
- mon_order += [TermOrder('lex', order+max_order+1)];
- mon_order = reduce(lambda p,q : p + q, mon_order);
- middle_ring = PolynomialRing(base, name_vars_f, order=mon_order);
- # Recovering the variables of the polynomial ring
- gens = middle_ring.gens();
- z = [];
- j = 0;
- for i in range(order+1):
- z += [list(gens[j:j+coeff_order[i]+1])]
- z[-1].reverse();
- j += coeff_order[i]+1;
- if(is_x):
- x = gens[j];
- j += 1;
- else:
- x = None;
- y = list(gens[j:]); y.reverse();
- # Computing all the required polynomials for the reduction
- # We start with the equations from the coefficients
- eqs = [middle_ring(el) for el in eqs];
- for i in range(len(eqs),order+1):
- args = {"y%d" %j : z[i][j] for j in range(coeff_order[i]+1)};
- eqs += [coeff_poly[i](**args)];
- # We keep computing the derivatives from the equation of func
- if(len(eqs) < order+2):
- eqs += [sum(y[i]*z[i][0] for i in range(order+1))];
- for i in range(len(eqs), order+2+max_order):
- eqs += [__get_derivative(eqs[-1], eqs[:order+1], z,y,x)];
- # Now we compute a Groebner-basis to eliminate all possible variables
- # It is important to remark that the order of the variables were chosen
- # so all possible variables are eliminated and the smallest possible
- # polynomial equation remains.
- gb = ideal(eqs).groebner_basis();
- # We get the final ring for the equation
- final_vars = [str(y[i]) for i in range(len(y))];
- if(is_x):
- final_vars = ["x"] + final_vars;
- final_ring = PolynomialRing(base, final_vars, order='deglex');
- try:
- return final_ring(str(gb[-1]));
- except TypeError:
- print "The polynomial obtained has too many variables:\n\t- Expected: %s\n\t- Got: %s" %(final_ring.gens(), gb[-1]);
- exe += 1;
- ########################################################################
- ## Basic cases
- elif(func.parent().depth() == 2):
- return diff_to_diffalg_ddfinite(func);
- else:
- return diff_to_diffalg_dfinite(func);
- ############################################################################
- ## Base case: polynomial or non-diff_definable functions
- return diff_to_diffalg_poly(func);
+ ### Now poly is in a InfinitePolynomialRing with one generator "y_*" and some base ring.
+ if(not isinstance(parent.base(), DDRing)):
+ print "The base ring is not a DDRing. Returning the original polynomial (reached the bottom)";
+ return fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly);
-def __get_base_field(base):
- ## Particular imports for this method
- from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import is_PolynomialRing;
- from sage.misc.functional import is_field;
+ up_ddring = parent.base()
+ dw_ddring = up_ddring.base();
+ goal_ring = InfinitePolynomialRing(dw_ddring, "y");
- ## Checking the case is R(x)
- if(is_field(base) and not (base.base() == base)):
- return __get_base_field(base.base());
- ## Checking the case is R[x]
- is_x = False;
- if(is_PolynomialRing(base) and str(base.gens()[0]) == 'x'):
- base = base.base();
- is_x = True;
- if(not base.is_field()):
- base = base.fraction_field();
- return base, is_x;
+ coefficients = poly.coefficients();
+ monomials = poly.monomials();
-__CACHE_OF_DICS = {};
-def __get_derivative(poly, equations, z,y,x):
- if(poly.is_constant()):
- return 0;
- global __CACHE_OF_DICS;
- key = tuple([tuple(equations), tuple([tuple(row) for row in z]), tuple(y)]);
- dic_of_derivatives = __CACHE_OF_DICS.get(key, {});
+ ## Arraging the coefficients and organize the vector-space notation
+ dict_to_derivatives = {};
+ dict_to_vectors = {};
+ S = 0;
+ for i in range(len(coefficients)):
+ coeff = coefficients[i]; monomial = goal_ring(monomials[i]);
+ if(coeff in dw_ddring):
+ if(1 not in dict_to_vectors):
+ S += 1;
+ dict_to_vectors[1] =;
+ dict_to_vectors[1] += dw_ddring(coeff)*monomial;
+ else:
+ used = False;
+ for el in dict_to_derivatives:
+ try:
+ index = dict_to_derivatives[el].index(coeff);
+ dict_to_derivatives[el][index] += monomial;
+ used = True;
+ break;
+ except ValueError:
+ pass;
+ if(not used):
+ list_of_derivatives = [coeff];
+ for j in range(coeff.getOrder()-1):
+ list_of_derivatives += [list_of_derivatives[-1].derivative()];
+ dict_to_derivatives[coeff] = list_of_derivatives;
+ dict_to_vectors[coeff] = [monomial] + [0 for j in range(coeff.getOrder()-1)];
+ S += coeff.getOrder();
- coeffs = poly.coefficients(); monomials = poly.monomials();
- gens = poly.parent().gens();
- der_mon = [];
- for mon in monomials:
- degrees = mon.degrees();
- basic = prod(gens[i]**max(0,degrees[i]-1) for i in range(len(gens)));
- extra = poly.parent().zero();
- for i in range(len(gens)):
- if(degrees[i] > 0):
- extra += degrees[i]*__get_variable_derivative(dic_of_derivatives, gens[i], equations, z, y ,x)*prod(gens[j] for j in range(len(gens)) if (j != i and degrees[j] > 0));
- der_mon += [basic*extra];
- __CACHE_OF_DICS[key] = dic_of_derivatives;
- element = sum(coeffs[i]*der_mon[i] for i in range(len(coeffs)));
- if(hasattr(element, "numerator")):
- element = element.numerator();
+ rows = [];
+ for el in dict_to_vectors:
+ if(el == 1):
+ row = [dict_to_vectors[el]];
+ for i in range(S-1):
+ row += [infinite_derivative(row[-1])];
+ rows += [row];
+ else:
+ rows += [row for row in matrix_of_dMovement(el.equation.companion(), vector(goal_ring, dict_to_vectors[el]), infinite_derivative, S)];
- return element;
+ M = Matrix(goal_ring, rows);
+ print M;
-def __get_variable_derivative(cache, var, equations, z,y,x):
- if(var not in cache):
- if(var == x):
- cache[var] = 1;
- if(var in y):
- cache[var] = y[y.index(var)+1];
- else:
- for i in range(len(z)):
- if(var in z[i]):
- j = z[i].index(var);
- if(j < len(z[i])-1):
- cache[var] = z[i][j+1];
- else:
- # Computing derivative of z[i][-1]
- d = equations[i].degree(z[i][j]);
- alpha = [equations[i].coefficient({z[i][j]: k}) for k in range(d+1)];
- cache[var] = -sum(__get_derivative(alpha[i], equations,z,y,x)*z[i][-1]^i for i in range(d+1))/sum(alpha[i]*i*z[i][-1]^(i-1) for i in range(1,d+1));
- return cache[var];
+ return M.determinant();
+def diff_to_diffalg(func):
+ try:
+ parent = func.parent();
+ except AttributeError:
+ return PolynomialRing(QQ,"y_0")("y_0 + %s" %func);
-__all__ = ["is_InfinitePolynomialRing", "get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen", "get_InfinitePolynomialRingVaribale", "infinite_derivative"];
+ if(isinstance(parent, DDRing)):
+ R = InfinitePolynomialRing(parent.base(), "y");
+ p = sum(func[i]*R("y_%d" %i) for i in range(func.getOrder()+1));
+ for i in range(parent.depth()-1):
+ p = toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below(p);
+ else:
+ R = PolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(QQ,x).fraction_field, "y_0");
+ return R.gens()[0] - func;
+### Special cases for diff_to_diffalg
+## Polynomial in x case
+#def diff_to_diffalg_poly(func):
+# base, is_x = __get_base_field(func.parent());
+# final_ring = PolynomialRing(base, ["x", "y0"], order='deglex');
+# x = final_ring.gens()[0];
+# y = final_ring.gens()[1];
+# return y - final_ring(func);
+## D-finite case
+#def diff_to_diffalg_dfinite(func):
+# if(not (isinstance(func.parent(), DDRing) and func.parent().depth()==1)):
+# raise TypeError("diff_to_diffalg_dfinite called with a non-dfinite function");
+# if(func.is_constant):
+# return diff_to_diffalg(func(0));
+# order = func.getOrder();
+# base, is_x = __get_base_field(func.parent().base());
+# name_vars = [];
+# if(is_x):
+# name_vars += ["x"];
+# name_vars += ["y%d" %i for i in range(order+1)];
+# final_ring = PolynomialRing(base, name_vars, order='deglex');
+# if(is_x):
+# x = final_ring.gens()[0];
+# y = final_ring.gens()[1:];
+# else:
+# y = final_ring.gens();
+# return sum(y[i]*final_ring(func.equation[i]) for i in range(order+1));
+## DD-finite case
+#def diff_to_diffalg_ddfinite(func):
+# if(not (isinstance(func.parent(), DDRing) and func.parent().depth()==2)):
+# raise TypeError("diff_to_diffalg_ddfinite called with a non-ddfinite function");
+# base, is_x = __get_base_field(func.parent().base().base());
+# polys = [diff_to_diffalg(coeff) for coeff in func.equation.getCoefficients()];
+# orders = [coeff.getOrder() for coeff in func.equation.getCoefficients()];
+# S = sum(orders);
+# name_vars = ["y%d" %i for i in range(S+func.getOrder())];
+# if(is_x):
+# name_vars = ["x"] + name_vars;
+# final_ring = PolynomialRing(base, name_vars, order='deglex');
+# x = None;
+# if(is_x):
+# x = final_ring.gens()[0];
+# y = final_ring.gens()[1:];
+# else:
+# y = final_ring.gens();
+# first_row = [];
+# for i in range(len(orders)):
+# if(func.equation[i].getOrder() > 1 or polys[i].degree() > 1):
+# first_row += [[] + [ for j in range(1,orders[i])]];
+# first_row += [];
+# rows = [first_row];
+# for i in range(S):
+# # Each element is r[-1][a]'+r[-1][a-1]+r[-1][-1]*eq
+# # Part: r[-1][a]'
+# new_row = [[__get_derivative(el, [],[],y,x) for el in list] for list in rows[-1][:-1]] + [__get_derivative(rows[-1][-1], [],[],y,x)];
+# # Part: r[-1][a-1]
+# for i in range(len(rows[:-1])):
+# for j in range(1, len(rows[-1][:-1][i])):
+# new_row[i][j] += rows[-1][i][j-1];
+# # Part: r[-1][-1]*eq
+# for i in range(len(new_row)-1):
+# for j in range(len(new_row[i])):
+# coeff = polys[i].coefficient({y[-1]:1});
+# new_row[i][j] -= polys[i].coefficient({y[j]:1})/coeff;
+# new_row[-1] -= polys[i].coefficients()[-1]/coeff;
+# dens = sum([[el.denominator() for el in list] for list in new_row[:-1]],[]);
+# dens += [new_row[-1].denominator()];
+# new_lcm = lcm(dens);
+# fin_new_row = [[new_lcm*el for el in list] for list in new_row[:-1]];
+# fin_new_row += [new_lcm*new_row[-1]];
+# rows += [fin_new_row];
+# mat = [sum(rows[i][:-1], []) + [rows[i][-1]] for i in range(len(rows))];
+# M = Matrix(mat);
+# return M.determinant();
+#def diff_to_diffalg(func):
+# ## Particular imports for this method
+# from sage.categories.pushout import pushout;
+# ## Dificult case: diff. definable function
+# if(isinstance(func, DDRing.Element)):
+# order = func.getOrder();
+# base = func.parent().base();
+# ########################################################################
+# ## Recursive-case
+# if(func.parent().depth() > 2):
+# # Main recursive step
+# coeff_poly = [diff_to_diffalg(coeff) for coeff in func.equation.getCoefficients()];
+# # Building some data for getting the final polynomial ring
+# base = reduce(pushout, [poly.parent().base() for poly in coeff_poly]);
+# coeff_order = [];
+# is_x = False;
+# for i in range(order+1):
+# try:
+# ## Case x in poly.parent()
+# coeff_poly[i].parent()('x');
+# coeff_order += [coeff_poly[i].parent().ngens()-2];
+# is_x = True;
+# except:
+# coeff_order += [coeff_poly[i].parent().ngens()-1];
+# # Getting the variables needed for the middle step
+# name_vars = ["z%d_%d" %(i,j) for i in range(order+1) for j in range(coeff_order[i],-1,-1)];
+# if(is_x):
+# name_vars += ["x"];
+# exe = 0;
+# eqs = [];
+# while(True):
+# max_order = 1+exe;#max(coeff_order)+exe;
+# # Building the middle polynomial ring
+# mon_order = [TermOrder('deglex', coeff_order[i]+1) for i in range(order+1)];
+# if(is_x):
+# mon_order += [TermOrder('deglex', 1)];
+# mon_order += [TermOrder('lex', order+max_order+1)];
+# mon_order = reduce(lambda p,q : p + q, mon_order);
+# middle_ring = PolynomialRing(base, name_vars_f, order=mon_order);
+# # Recovering the variables of the polynomial ring
+# gens = middle_ring.gens();
+# z = [];
+# j = 0;
+# for i in range(order+1):
+# z += [list(gens[j:j+coeff_order[i]+1])]
+# z[-1].reverse();
+# j += coeff_order[i]+1;
+# if(is_x):
+# x = gens[j];
+# j += 1;
+# else:
+# x = None;
+# y = list(gens[j:]); y.reverse();
+# # Computing all the required polynomials for the reduction
+# # We start with the equations from the coefficients
+# eqs = [middle_ring(el) for el in eqs];
+# for i in range(len(eqs),order+1):
+# args = {"y%d" %j : z[i][j] for j in range(coeff_order[i]+1)};
+# eqs += [coeff_poly[i](**args)];
+# # We keep computing the derivatives from the equation of func
+# if(len(eqs) < order+2):
+# eqs += [sum(y[i]*z[i][0] for i in range(order+1))];
+# for i in range(len(eqs), order+2+max_order):
+# eqs += [__get_derivative(eqs[-1], eqs[:order+1], z,y,x)];
+# # Now we compute a Groebner-basis to eliminate all possible variables
+# # It is important to remark that the order of the variables were chosen
+# # so all possible variables are eliminated and the smallest possible
+# # polynomial equation remains.
+# gb = ideal(eqs).groebner_basis();
+# # We get the final ring for the equation
+# final_vars = [str(y[i]) for i in range(len(y))];
+# if(is_x):
+# final_vars = ["x"] + final_vars;
+# final_ring = PolynomialRing(base, final_vars, order='deglex');
+# try:
+# return final_ring(str(gb[-1]));
+# except TypeError:
+# print "The polynomial obtained has too many variables:\n\t- Expected: %s\n\t- Got: %s" %(final_ring.gens(), gb[-1]);
+# exe += 1;
+# ########################################################################
+# ## Basic cases
+# elif(func.parent().depth() == 2):
+# return diff_to_diffalg_ddfinite(func);
+# else:
+# return diff_to_diffalg_dfinite(func);
+# ############################################################################
+# ## Base case: polynomial or non-diff_definable functions
+# return diff_to_diffalg_poly(func);
+#def __get_base_field(base):
+# ## Particular imports for this method
+# from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import is_PolynomialRing;
+# from sage.misc.functional import is_field;
+# ## Checking the case is R(x)
+# if(is_field(base) and not (base.base() == base)):
+# return __get_base_field(base.base());
+# ## Checking the case is R[x]
+# is_x = False;
+# if(is_PolynomialRing(base) and str(base.gens()[0]) == 'x'):
+# base = base.base();
+# is_x = True;
+# if(not base.is_field()):
+# base = base.fraction_field();
+# return base, is_x;
+#__CACHE_OF_DICS = {};
+#def __get_derivative(poly, equations, z,y,x):
+# if(poly.is_constant()):
+# return 0;
+# global __CACHE_OF_DICS;
+# key = tuple([tuple(equations), tuple([tuple(row) for row in z]), tuple(y)]);
+# dic_of_derivatives = __CACHE_OF_DICS.get(key, {});
+# coeffs = poly.coefficients(); monomials = poly.monomials();
+# gens = poly.parent().gens();
+# der_mon = [];
+# for mon in monomials:
+# degrees = mon.degrees();
+# basic = prod(gens[i]**max(0,degrees[i]-1) for i in range(len(gens)));
+# extra = poly.parent().zero();
+# for i in range(len(gens)):
+# if(degrees[i] > 0):
+# extra += degrees[i]*__get_variable_derivative(dic_of_derivatives, gens[i], equations, z, y ,x)*prod(gens[j] for j in range(len(gens)) if (j != i and degrees[j] > 0));
+# der_mon += [basic*extra];
+# __CACHE_OF_DICS[key] = dic_of_derivatives;
+# element = sum(coeffs[i]*der_mon[i] for i in range(len(coeffs)));
+# if(hasattr(element, "numerator")):
+# element = element.numerator();
+# return element;
+#def __get_variable_derivative(cache, var, equations, z,y,x):
+# if(var not in cache):
+# if(var == x):
+# cache[var] = 1;
+# if(var in y):
+# cache[var] = y[y.index(var)+1];
+# else:
+# for i in range(len(z)):
+# if(var in z[i]):
+# j = z[i].index(var);
+# if(j < len(z[i])-1):
+# cache[var] = z[i][j+1];
+# else:
+# # Computing derivative of z[i][-1]
+# d = equations[i].degree(z[i][j]);
+# alpha = [equations[i].coefficient({z[i][j]: k}) for k in range(d+1)];
+# cache[var] = -sum(__get_derivative(alpha[i], equations,z,y,x)*z[i][-1]^i for i in range(d+1))/sum(alpha[i]*i*z[i][-1]^(i-1) for i in range(1,d+1));
+# return cache[var];
+__all__ = ["is_InfinitePolynomialRing", "get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen", "get_InfinitePolynomialRingVaribale", "infinite_derivative", "toDifferentiallyAlgebraic_Below", "diff_to_diffalg"];