in applied Cryptography. Classic cryptographic algorithms rest
on the mathematical field of number theory, where abstract
mathematical problems are presented and algorithms to solve
-them are discussed. This mathematical preliminaries are then
+them are discussed. These mathematical preliminaries are then
used to ensure secure encryption of secret messages. We prove
formal correctness by considering concrete implementations and
use the recently developed verification system {\rm RISCAL} to
simple displacement chiffre.
\section{The Formal Verification}
-TODO: Describe algorithm Left-To-Right Exponentation
+\subsection{Left-to-Right Exponentation}
+The first algorithm, we are going to formally verify is so called 'Left-to-Right Exponentation'.
+In the RSA-algorithm, we encounter the problem of computing powers (where, for the moment, we
+forget that the powers are computed modulo $n$), which might be desribed recursive
+c^d \equiv c\cdot c^{d-1}, \qquad c^0 \equiv 1.
+This 'naive algorithm' requires $d$ multiplications of $c$. The Left-to-Right Exponentation proceeds
+by first representing $d$ in its binary representation, i.e.
+d = \sum_{i=0}^m a_i\cdot 2^i,\qquad a_i \in \{0,1\}.
+With that representation of $d$, we immediately obtain
+$c^d \equiv c^{a_0}\cdot (c^{2})^{a_1} \cdot \ldots (c^{2^m})^{a_m}$.
+But some of the coefficients $a_k$ might be zero, and hence contribute 1 to the
+product. Hence, we are led to the following algorithm:
+ \caption{Left-to-Right Exponentation}
+\Require{$c\in\mathbb{Z}$, $d\in\mathbb{N}$}
+\State $y \leftarrow 1$;
+\While{$n > 0$}
+\If{$n$ is odd}
+\State $y\leftarrow x\cdot y$;
+\State $x\leftarrow x^2$;
+\State $n \leftarrow \lfloor n/2\rfloor$;
+\Return $y$.
+Let us analyze this in more detail. Formulated as function ${\rm Exp}(x,n)$,
+it is obvious that the algorithm is equivalent to the recursive description
+{\rm Exp}(x,n) =
+ 1,\qquad & n =0\\
+ {\rm Exp}(x^2,n/2),\qquad & n \text{ is even}\\
+ x\cdot {\rm Exp}(x^2,(n-1)/2),\qquad & n \text{ is odd}.
+The binary representation of $d\in\mathbb{N}$ has at most $\lfloor \log_2(d)\rfloor +1$ digits.
\section{Listing of the developed Theory}