\title{Formal Verification of Algorithms arising in Cryptography}
\author{Christoph F\"urst\qquad Wolfgang Schreiner\\ Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) Linz}
n \text{ is odd } &\Rightarrow y < y',\\
n \text{ is even }&\Rightarrow y = y',
-\qquad \text{and further } x < x' = x^2.
+\qquad \text{and further } x \leq x' = x^2.
The termination of the loop is a consequence of $\lfloor n/2^k\rfloor \rightarrow 0$ after
finitely many steps, i.e. there exists $k\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $\lfloor n/2^k\rfloor = 0$.
+\subsection{The RISCAL Formalization}
+{\scriptsize \verbatimboxed{../lefttoright.txt}}
\subsection{Computing Integer Roots}
Given a number $x\in\mathbb{R}^+$, the \emph{square-root} $y := \sqrt{x}\in\mathbb{R}$ is implicit
y > a \Leftrightarrow (x^2+z) > a \Leftrightarrow x^2+2x+1 > a \Leftrightarrow (x+1)^2 > a,
hence we have shown $x^2\leq a < (x+1)^2$, and taking square roots shows the claim.
+\subsection{The RISCAL Formalization}
+%{\scriptsize \verbatiminput{../integerroot.txt}}
+{\scriptsize \verbatimboxed{../integerroot.txt}}
-\section{Listing of the developed Theory}
-{\scriptsize \verbatiminput{../numbertheory.txt}}
-\section{Listing of Implementations}
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+% \section{Listing of Implementations}
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