This function can be converted into symbolic expressions.
- return Log(x+_sage_const_1 )(input);
+ return Log(x+_sage_const_1 )(input-1);
f,dR = __decide_parent(input, ddR);
evaluate = lambda p : dR.getSequenceElement(p,_sage_const_0 );
return super(DDFunction,self).__div__(self.__check_symbolic(other));
def __radd__(self, other):
- return super(DDFunction,self).__add__(self.__check_symbolic(other));
+ return super(DDFunction,self).__radd__(self.__check_symbolic(other));
def __rsub__(self, other):
- return (-self) + self.__check_symbolic(other);
+ return super(DDFunction,self).__rsub__(self.__check_symbolic(other));
def __rmul__(self, other):
- return super(DDFunction,self).__mul__(self.__check_symbolic(other));
+ return super(DDFunction,self).__rmul__(self.__check_symbolic(other));
def __rdiv__(self, other):
- return self.inverse * self.__check_symbolic(other);
+ return super(DDFunction,self).__rdiv__(self.__check_symbolic(other));
+ def __rpow__(self, other):
+ try:
+ print "__rpow__ was called";
+ return self.parent().to_depth(1)(other)**self;
+ except:
+ return NotImplemented;
def __iadd__(self, other):
return super(DDFunction,self).__add__(self.__check_symbolic(other));
except Exception:
raise ZeroDivisionError("Impossible to compute the inverse");
return inverse.__pow__(-other);
- else: ## Trying a power on the basic field
- try:
- newDDRing = DDRing(self.parent());
- other = self.parent().base_ring()(other);
- self.__pows[other] = newDDRing.element([(-other)*f.derivative(),f], [el**other for el in f.getInitialValueList(1 )], check_init=False);
+ else: ## Trying a generic power
+ if(is_DDFunction(other) or other in self.parent()):
+ if(self(x=0) != 1):
+ raise ValueError("The base of exponentiation must have initial value 1");
+ from ajpastor.dd_functions.ddExamples import Log;
+ lf = Log(self);
+ R = sage.categories.pushout.pushout(other.parent(), lf.parent());
+ g = R(other); lf = R(lf);
+ R = R.to_depth(R.depth()+1);
+ if((g(x=0) != 0)):
+ raise ValueError("The exponent must have initial value 0");
newName = None;
- if(not(self.__name is None)):
- newName = DinamicString("(_1)^%s" %(other), self.__name);
- self.__pows[other].__name = newName;
- except TypeError:
- raise TypeError("Impossible to compute (%s)^(%s) within the basic field %s" %(f.getInitialValue(0 ), other, f.parent().base_ring()));
- except ValueError:
- raise NotImplementedError("Powering to an element of %s not implemented" %(other.parent()));
+ if((not is_DDFunction(g)) or (g._DDFunction__name is not None)):
+ newName = DinamicString("(_1)^(_2)", [self.__name, repr(other)]);
+ self.__pows[other] = R.element([-(lf*other).derivative(),1],[1],name=newName);
+ else:
+ try:
+ newDDRing = DDRing(self.parent());
+ other = self.parent().base_ring()(other);
+ self.__pows[other] = newDDRing.element([(-other)*f.derivative(),f], [el**other for el in f.getInitialValueList(1 )], check_init=False);
+ newName = None;
+ if(not(self.__name is None)):
+ newName = DinamicString("(_1)^%s" %(other), self.__name);
+ self.__pows[other].__name = newName;
+ except TypeError:
+ raise TypeError("Impossible to compute (%s)^(%s) within the basic field %s" %(f.getInitialValue(0 ), other, f.parent().base_ring()));
+ except ValueError:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Powering to an element of %s not implemented" %(other.parent()));
return self.__pows[other];
#### TODO: Review this function
def infinite_derivative(element, times=1, var=x):
- if(times in ZZ and times > 1):
+ '''
+ Method that takes an element and compute its times-th derivative
+ with respect to the variable given by var.
+ If the element is not in a InfinitePolynomialRing then the method
+ 'derivative' of the object will be called. Otherwise this method
+ returns the derivative following the rules:
+ - The coefficients of the polynomial ring are differentiated using
+ a recursive call to this method (usually this leads to a call of the
+ method '.derivative' of that coefficient).
+ - Any variable "#_n" appearing in the InfinitePolynomialRing has
+ as derivative the variable "#_{n+1}", i.e., the same name but with
+ one higher index.
+ '''
+ if(not ((times in ZZ) and times >=0)):
+ raise ValueError("The argument 'times' must be a non-negative integer");
+ elif(times > 1): # Recursive call
return infinite_derivative(infinite_derivative(element, times-1))
+ elif(times == 0): # Empty call
+ return element;
+ ## Call with times = 1
parent = element.parent();
except AttributeError:
return 0;
+ ## Simple call: not an InfinitePolynomialRing
if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(parent)):
return element.derivative();
except AttributeError:
+ ## IPR call
+ ## Symbolic case?
+ if(sage.symbolic.ring.is_SymbolicExpressionRing(parent.base())):
+ raise TypeError("Base ring for the InfinitePolynomialRing not valid (found SymbolicRing)");
+ ### Monomial case
+ ## Case of degree 1 (add one to the index of the variable)
if(len(element.variables()) == 1 and == 1):
g,n = get_InfinitePolynomialRingGen(parent, element, True);
return get_InfinitePolynomialRingVaribale(parent, g,n+1);
+ ## Case of higher degree
- degrees = element.degrees();
+ # Computing the variables in the monomial and their degrees (in order)
variables = element.variables();
degrees = [ for v in variables];
+ variables = [parent(v) for v in variables]
## Computing the common factor
- com_factor = prod([variables[i]**(degrees[i]-1) for i in range(len(degrees)) if degrees[i] > 0]);
- ## Computing the derivative for each variable
- each_sum = [
- degrees[i]*infinite_derivative(parent(variables[i]))*prod(
- variables[j] for j in range(len(variables)) if ((i != j) and (degrees[j] > 0)))
- for i in range(len(variables)) if degrees[i] > 0];
+ com_factor = prod([variables[i]**(degrees[i]-1) for i in range(len(degrees))]);
+ ## Computing the derivative of each variable
+ der_variables = [infinite_derivative(parent(v)) for v in variables];
+ ## Computing the particular part for each summand
+ each_sum = [];
+ for i in range(len(variables)):
+ if(degrees[i] > 0):
+ part_prod = prod([variables[j] for j in range(len(variables)) if j != i]);
+ each_sum += [degrees[i]*infinite_derivative(parent(variables[i]))*part_prod];
+ ## Computing the final result
return com_factor*sum(each_sum);
+ ### Non-monomial case
coefficients = element.coefficients();
- monomials = element.monomials();
- return sum([infinite_derivative(coefficients[i])*monomials[i] + parent(coefficients[i])*infinite_derivative(parent(monomials[i])) for i in range(len(monomials))]);
+ monomials = [parent(el) for el in element.monomials()];
+ return sum([infinite_derivative(coefficients[i])*monomials[i] + coefficients[i]*infinite_derivative(monomials[i]) for i in range(len(monomials))]);
def fromInfinityPolynomial_toFinitePolynomial(poly):
if(not is_InfinitePolynomialRing(poly.parent())):