+from sage.functions.other import factorial;
+from sage.combinat.combinat import bell_polynomial;
+from sage.arith.misc import falling_factorial;
def cauchy_product(f,g):
return lambda n : sum(f(m)*g(n-m) for m in range(n+1));
+def standard_derivation(f):
+ return lambda n : (n+1)*f(n+1);
+def shift(f):
+ return lambda n : f(n+1);
def composition(f,g):
if(g(0) != 0):
Method that receives a sequence in the form of a black-box function
and return a sequence h(n) such that egf(f) = ogf(h).
+ Then h(n) = f(n)/factorial(n)
return lambda n: f(n)/factorial(n);
Method that receives a sequence in the form of a black-box function
and return a sequence h(n) such that egf(h) = ogf(f).
+ Then h(n) = f(n)*factorial(n)
return lambda n: f(n)*factorial(n);
raise ValueError("Power serie not invertible");
if(f(1) == 0):
raise NotImplementedError("Case with order higher than 1 not implemented");
- f = egf_ogf(f);
- def _inverse(n):
+ f = ogf_egf(f);
+ def _inverse_egf(n):
if(n == 0):
return 0;
elif(n == 1):
poly = bell_polynomial(n-1,k);
#print poly;
variables = poly.variables();
- #print variables;
- extra = (-1)^k*falling_factorial(n+k-1,k);
- result += extra*poly(**{str(variables[i]):f(i+1)/((i+1)*f(1)) for i in range(len(v
- return (1/((f(1)^n)*factorial(n))) * result;
- return ogf_egf(_inverse);
+ extra = ((-1)**k)*falling_factorial(n+k-1, k);
+ if(k == n-1):
+ evaluation = poly(x=f(2)/2/f(1));
+ else:
+ evaluation = poly(**{"x%d" %(i) : f(i+2)/(i+2)/f(1) for i in range(n-k)});
+ result += extra*evaluation;
+ return (1/(f(1)**n)) * result;
+ return egf_ogf(_inverse_egf);