\section{Mathematical and Cryptographic Preliminaries}
- \subsubsection*{The discrete Logarithm problem}
- \subsection{The RSA cryptosystem}
+\subsubsection*{The Discrete Logarithm problem}
+Consider an odd prime $p$. Let $b\in\mathbb{Z}_p$ and $0\leq x\leq p-1$.
+We consider the equality $a\equiv b^x\pmod p$, and call $x$ the \emph{discrete
+logarithm} (or \emph{index}) of $a$ with respect to the basis $b$.\\
+The Diffie-Hellmann key exchange algorithm relies on the assumption, that given $a^x$ and
+$a^y$ (without knowing $x$ and $y$), the expression $a^{xy}$ can not be efficiently computed,
+i.e. the discrete logarithm problem is not effectively solvable. Effective solvable in this
+context means that there is an algorithm which proceeds more effective than the brute-force
+method, which proceeds by computing $b^k\pmod p$ until $a\equiv b^x\pmod p$ is reached.\\
+TODO: Baby Step Giant Step Algorithm
+\subsection{The RSA cryptosystem}
+\subsection{The Diffie-Hellmann cryptosystem}
\section{The Formal Verification}
+TODO: Describe algorithm Left-To-Right Exponentation
\section{Listing of the developed Theory}
+{\scriptsize \verbatiminput{../numbertheory.txt}}
+\section{Listing of Implementations}
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+{\tiny \lstinputlisting{../src/primefactors.cpp}}
+G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright. \textit{An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers}.
+Oxford University Press, 6. edition. 2008.
+R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter. \textit{Introduction to finite fields and their applications}.
+Cambridge University Press, 1986.
+W. Schreiner. \textit{The RISC Algorithm Language (RISCAL), Tutorial and Reference}.
+Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) Linz, 2017.