def MathieuCos(a=None,q=None):
return MathieuD(a,q,(_sage_const_1 ,_sage_const_0 ));
+### Airy's functions
+def AiryD(init=()):
+ name = None;
+ if(len(init) >= 2): ## Complete Airy function, we can build the name
+ ## Rejecting the zero case
+ if(init[0] == init[1] and init[0] == 0):
+ return DFinite.zero();
+ ## Simplifying the name if there is zero coefficients
+ if(init[0] != 0):
+ name_a1 = "(3**(2/3)*gamma(2/3))*%s" %init[0];
+ name_b1 = "(3**(1/3)*gamma(2/3))*%s" %init[0];
+ else:
+ name_a1 = "";
+ name_b1 = "";
+ if(init[1] != 0):
+ name_a2 = "-(3**(1/3)*gamma(1/3))*%s" %init[1];
+ name_b2 = "+(gamma(1/3))*%s" %init[1];
+ else:
+ name_a2 = "";
+ name_b2 = "";
+ ## Building the final name
+ name = DinamicString("((%s%s)/2)*airy_ai(_1) + ((%s%s)/(2*3**(1/6)))*airy_bi(_1)" %(name_a1, name_a2, name_b1, name_b2), ["x"]);
+ return DFinite.element([-x,0,1], init, name=name);
+### Struve's functions
+def StruveD(mu,kind=1):
+ raise NotImplementedError("Struve functions not yet implemented");
+ if(kind != 1):
+ raise TypeError("Only struve_H functions are implemented");
+ elif((mu < 0) or (mu not in ZZ)):
+ raise TypeError("Parameter must be greater or equal to -1 to have a power series (got %d)" %mu);
+ name=DinamicString("(%s)*struve_H(%s,_1)" %((1/(struve_H(mu,x).derivative(mu+1)(x=0))),mu), ["x"]);
+ init = [0 for i in range(mu+1)] + [1];
+ return DFinite.element([x**2*(1-mu)-mu**2,x*(x**2-mu**2-mu),-(mu-2)*x**2,x**3], init, name=name);
+### Parabolic Cylinder Functions
+def ParabolicCylinderD(a=None,b=None,c=None, init=()):
+ params =[];
+ if(a is None):
+ params += ['a'];
+ if(b is None):
+ params += ['b'];
+ if(c is None):
+ params += ['c'];
+ destiny_ring = DFinite; ra = a; rb = b; rc = c;
+ if(len(params) > _sage_const_0 ):
+ destiny_ring = ParametrizedDDRing(DFinite, params);
+ if(len(params) == 3 ):
+ ra,rb,rc = destiny_ring.parameters();
+ elif(len(params) == 2 and 'a' not in params):
+ rb,rc = destiny_ring.parameters();
+ elif(len(params) == 2 and 'b' not in params):
+ ra,rc = destiny_ring.parameters();
+ elif(len(params) == 2 and 'c' not in params):
+ ra,rb = destiny_ring.parameters();
+ elif('a' in params):
+ ra = destiny_ring.parameters()[0];
+ elif('b' in params):
+ rb = destiny_ring.parameters()[0];
+ elif('c' in params):
+ rc = destiny_ring.parameters()[0];
+ return destiny_ring.element([(rc+rb*x+ra*x**2),0,1], init, name=DinamicString("ParabolicCylinder(_1,_2,_3;_4)", [repr(ra), repr(rb), repr(rc), "x"]));