+invalid post-conditions or invariants are reported.\\
+We want to emphasize the scope of RISCAL. It is a powerful way to formulate algorithms, their invariants and
+can be used to reason about correctness. It is independent of concrete implementation (where side effects such
+as variable overflow could occur, and produce wrong results even if the algorithm is correct on an infinite
+domain), and will give the user a feedback, whether his realization of the algorithm is valid in principle.
+The verification still relies on finite domains, due to obvious restrictions. Still, the evidence is the
+counting part, and the system RISCAL should be the tool of choice for getting started with the formulation
+of complex algorithms.\\
+With this (way too short) introduction, we want to already leave this account on RISCAL, and refer the
+interested reader to \cite{Schreiner, SchreinerBrunhuemerFuerst, Brunhuemer}. Instead we will now continue
+by focusing our attention to concrete applications. First, we have to recall some mathematical and
+number theoretic preliminaries.